Baby Names

Thoughts on Bianca?

This was our server's name the other night.  I kind of like it; it's different but still an actual name.  Girls names are so much harder for us!

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Re: Thoughts on Bianca?

  • I kind of like it but every Bianca I know has been a biitch so I don't have good associations with it.  
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
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  • imageAllycat11:
    I kind of like it but every Bianca I know has been a biitch so I don't have good associations with it.  

    I was going to say the same thing. I know two Bianca' is 35 and the other is 19, both are true witches so it just ruins the name for me. Sorry!

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  • I've loved it ever since I watched The Rescuers as a kid. It's on my girl list but DH hates it because there is a Bianca in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, which his sister forced him to watch a bunch of times when he was younger. 

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  • It's pretty and underused
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  • Pretty and underused- my thoughts exactly
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  • imageAllycat11:
    I kind of like it but every Bianca I know has been a biitch so I don't have good associations with it.  

    Me too! 

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  • Wow, didn't know it was a ***'s name!  Haha!  I hate how one person can ruin a name.  I'm a teacher, so my name pool gets smaller and smaller!  I'm gonna keep this on the list for now!  Still like it!
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  • imagestrawberrytree:
    I've loved it ever since I watched The Rescuers as a kid. It's on my girl list but DH hates it because there is a Bianca in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, which his sister forced him to watch a bunch of times when he was younger. 

    Love The Rescuers!  That's the first thing I thought of too!

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  • imagequeenbone:
    It's pretty and underused

    I agree.


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  • imagequeenbone:
    It's pretty and underused


    Also I have a cousin named Bianca, she's really nice! Wink

                                                             | R 11/22/12  |  L 03/14/14 |
  • To me it just seems like a snooty biotchy name... not sure why though.

  • I like it a lot! I think it is really pretty, and I don't have any negative associations. 
  • I LOVE that name. I think it's a great name, my cousin (sidenote: I have a VERY big family) is a wonderful women and I think the name is beautiful.
  • imageAllycat11:
    I kind of like it but every Bianca I know has been a biitch so I don't have good associations with it.  

    This for me too. 

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  • imagebeckib353:

    I've loved it ever since I watched The Rescuers as a kid. It's on my girl list but DH hates it because there is a Bianca in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, which his sister forced him to watch a bunch of times when he was younger. 

    Love The Rescuers!  That's the first thing I thought of too!

    +1!! I think it's lovely. 

  • imageAllycat11:
    I kind of like it but every Bianca I know has been a biitch so I don't have good associations with it.  

    This. And it's NMS anyway. 

    Married 1/28/11 
    DD #1 born 11/28/12
  • I really like it.

    BFP 11/09 - DD 7/10 - BFP 8/11 - M/C 9/11 - BFP 6/12 - DD - 2/13

  • I grew up watching All My Children with my mom. Bianca was Erica Kane's daughter. I can't hear the name Bianca without thinking of her, but I still think its pretty.
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  • I sounds snobbish to me...
  • Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Love it.  I'm a sucker for a Shakespearean name!
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    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • imagekacelle:
    Love it.  I'm a sucker for a Shakespearean name!
    This. I have a friend Bianca and she is very nice and not snobbish!


  • I'm not a fan. 
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