Baby Names

HELP! Girl name......desperation.

From the very beginning we were going to go with Caroline.  Our son's name is Charlie.  When I posted Caroline on this board many people told me that is the female version of CHarlie so it would be like naming our two kids the same name.  Since then my husband is not on board with Caroline.  We agreed on the name Anna, however most people have told us how they liked Caroline so much more and though anna was boring.   I would love to shock them all and name her something completely different that we haven't told anyone yet........Suggestions??  Thanks a lot. 


Re: HELP! Girl name......desperation.

  • Maybe Elizabeth, Victoria, Vivienne, Violet, Madeleine?

     I like Caroline (much better than Anna, which IMO is boring).  I don't think of Caroline and Charlie as the same name.  Maybe if you went with Charlize or Charlotte or something, but not Caroline.

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  • Awww, Anna isn't boring! I always thought Anna and Caroline would be a beautiful sibset, so Anna and Charlie is awesome! But if you're really uncomfortable, here are other 'classic' suggestions:

    Charlie and...


    Emmaline (pronoucned Emma-LINE, just like Caroline)


    Margaret (nickname Maggie or Meg)



    Annelise (you could call her Annie or Anna as a nickname)







    Hattie (or you could do Harriet nickname Hattie)



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  • FWIW, I don't think Caroline and Charlie are like the same names. I love Caroline. Agree with a PP, that Charlotte would be cute.

    Other girl names I like: Maeve, Violet, Eliana, Amelia, Eleanor

    Especially love the combo Eleanor Violet. 

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  • I think you should stick with Caroline. Their roots may be similar, but I would have never made that connection. I love Caroline!!

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  • I really like both Caroline and Anna but I can see how Caroline and Charlie would be a bit too matchy...

    Maeve, Bridget, Tess, Maren, Erin, Tara, Emmeline, Helena, Meredith

  • Clementine, Jacqueline, Tessa, Tea, Leah, Jenna, Joanna, Clara


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  • I adore Anna and think Caroline is great too. While Caroline is related to Charles (per the Latin form of Charles is Carolus, and Caroline is the feminine form of that), it's not as super obvious as something like Daniel and Danielle, so I wouldn't side-eye you for it.

    Some other names you might like are Cecilia, Georgia, Camilla, Camille, Anastasia, Audrey, Annabel, Jillian, Alice, Josephine, Eliza, Julia, Beatrice

    Wait, you have a Charlie- forget Camilla and Camille, then! That'd be worse than Charles and Caroline! 

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  • imageBLPL101:
    I think you should stick with Caroline. Their roots may be similar, but I would have never made that connection. I love Caroline!!

    This. I don't consider them the same name either, and I prefer Caroline to Anna.

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  • I think Anna is lovely.

    I'm one of the people who would notice a sibset of Charlie and Caroline, but that's not universal. There are plenty of people out there who have kids named Elizabeth and Isabelle, Seamus and James, and lots of other names that are the "same name," but I don't think it's a big deal to the general public. If Caroline is the name you really love, I'd use it and just be prepared for the occasional, "Do you have a lots of people named Charles in your family?" It's noticeable, but it's not a George Foreman situation.

    If you still want alternatives, I'd try:




  • I think the names are too close.  Anna is cute.  What about Annabelle?  Or Abigail or Audrey would be nice with Charles.
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  • ObLaDiObLaDi member

    I actually really like Anna, and think it works great in a sibset with Charlie and Lucy.

    Other suggestions:

    Amelia, Laura, Samantha, Annabel, Emma, Marielle 

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  • I LOVE Caroline... it would have been DS2's name if he'd been a girl.  Anna is boring to me.

    Charlotte sounds more similar to Charlie.  Is the average person even going to know that Caroline = Charlie?  And if they do, do you care?

  • I like Caroline.  It goes well with Charlie.  Caroline was actually derived directly from Carl which is related to Charlie, but it's not close enough for anyone to really say anything.  Charlene is a name that was derived from Charles.     

  • Charles, Caroline, and Charlotte all have the same roots and I think it's too similar.  I do love Anna and don't think it's boring at all! 

    Some other suggestions:






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  • I love both Anna and Caroline. If you love Caroline I would stick with it. The average person IMO wouldn't make the connection between Caroline and Charlie. However, if you went with Charlotte with Charlie I would give you the major side eye!

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  • Try typing in both names to it comes up with names according to your style


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