I had my NT scan last Sat and my measurement was 3.5, the ultrasound tech immediately went and got a dr to explain to us that this high and we should have a CVS done asap. Had to wait very impatiently until Tues to have the CVS (all the while looking up NT scan results of 3.5 and scaring myself to death) then had to wait until Thurs at 4:45 for the FISH results to come back negative for DS and Trisonomy 18 and 13 ( I think those are the #s). So that is great but I still dont have a clue as to why the scan is so high and does it mean that although our baby doesnt have downs is there still something wrong? Anyone have any experience with this?
Re: NT Scan scare
How far along were you when you had your NT scan. The reason I ask is that the scan is not reliable after 13w6d. So if you had your scan at 13w1d, but were meassuring a week ahead, you would fall outside the guidelines as to when to take the measurement. Also, the further along you are the higher the number usually is. For these reasons, my doc usually schedules NT scans around the 12w mark, so that if you measure behind a few days, baby is still big enough to get an accurage measurement and if you measure ahead a few days, you still fall in the ideal window to do the measurement.
I'm not certain, but I would think that if the CVS results are negative the larger NT measurement is just a fluke of some sort. Baby may not have been in perfect position, or the tech could have been slightly off when determining the measurement. Remember these measuerments are in mm, on mm is about a wide as the letter I. The are very tiny.
I'd put money on the fact that your lo is a-ok. I am sorry you had to deal with the anxiety of a higher measurement and additional testing. Take comfort in your negative CVS result and enjoy the rest of your pg.
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