Baby Names

Sibset names

We find out next week what we're having but I'm getting another strong girl vibe. We can't find girl names we like/agree on. Help me out please!

Sisters are Marina and Sofia.

Names I like that he's ruled out are: Elena - Ex-wife's middle name, Bianca - too pretentious, Alexandra - too prentious, Adriana - See above. Apparently I'm pretentious. Who knew?

His suggestion I rejected: Emilia - We have Sofia, which is basically Sophia, which is #1 popular name. Emilia is basically Amelia, which is also popular. I'd like something not top 25, ya know? Lorelai - I like it but I don't think it goes with Marina and Sofia. I know they won't travel in a pack their whole lives, but I still would like the names to 'go' together, lol.

Names we agree on but don't love: Gianna - seems to be frontrunner, Gemma - like it but not sure I'd actually name a kid Gemma. Don't know why.

Any suggestions that go with Marina and Sofia? I feel we are stuck and have gone through every name ever. That can't be possible. We need a fresh perspective. Thanks!


3 girls, ages 7, 3, and 1. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket

Re: Sibset names

  • I like Helena with nn Laney?   Sofia, Marina and Lydia sound nice together..

    Personally I would stay away from another -A name   There are lots of names that would go nicely with your dd's  but would make it less matchy but thats just me :) 

    Love Marina btw...

  • TheWopTheWop member
    What about Athena?  There are 2 Marina's, a Sophia, and an Athena in DH's Greek family! 

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  • FinkFink member
    I absolutely love Lorelai and think its sounds great with your other kids' names.
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  • Lael






  • I like Gianna best.  How about Giovanna?
    Married 9-4-04

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  • How about:

    Marina, Sofia and Ada

     Marina, Sofia and Alice

    Marina, Sofia and Camilla

    Marina, Sofia and Cecilia

    Marina, Sofia and Celeste

    Marina, Sofia and Delia

    Marina, Sofia and Elena

    Marina, Sofia and Ginevra

  • imageFink:
    I absolutely love Lorelai and think its sounds great with your other kids' names.

    This is a really pretty name.
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