Hi ladies! I had a RCS last Friday. For my first c-section, recovery was a breeze, but this time, I'm experiencing something very odd.
For the past two days, whenever I get up to walk after I've been sitting for more than a few minutes, I experience extreme soreness and stiffness to where it's almost difficult for me to start walking. The feeling begins around my incision and extends down to my upper thighs. It lessens after I've been walking for a minute or so. This has been occuring with the belly band on and off.
It's not pain, persay, just VERY, VERY sore and stiff. Like I had a brutal workout yesterday or something. I had this same type of soreness the last few weeks of my pregnancy but thought it was the weight of the baby.
Has anyone experienced this feeling? I have a call into my doc, but thought I'd pick your brains as well. I can't tell if this stiffness/soreness is my body telling me to slow my butt down or to walk some more.
Thanks for reading! :-) Hope you're all feeling well!
Re: Extreme soreness and stiffness when trying to walk
If you prefer not to take the narcotics at this point you can also alternate ibuprofen and tylenol. That is what I did after the first few days.