If you have a LO who always gets sick or if you and your DH/SO can't afford to miss time from work please look into this option.
They do drop in care, your child gets one on one care by pedi nurses and they charge by the hour.
I have leared so much from The Bump but I have never heard anyone else on here talk about it. I stubled across it on google and have used it several times for my LO. I just want to share in case any ladies on here are stressing about missing days from work.
Re: Sick Day Care
Did you simply Google this? I can't find one in my area.
Yeah, depends on your city. We don't have this here. I've looked, but I'm jealous of those that do. Even though I would rather be home when my kid is sick because they need their cuddles, it's a struggle when we don't have that many sick days!
So I just went to my company website and OMG we have back up DC!! Wth they have NEVER mentioned it!!! You get 7 FREE days a year...after that you pay $10 per child!! I feel like punching someone in the face for all the days I've missed and my sup didn't even mention this!! Thank you so much!!!!!
See I am glad you found this out! Wonderful. I sent the Back up Care info to HR dept and did not even get a response. You are so lucky!
We are offered 20 free days at a back-up daycare (add this to my company AW), but it is NOT supposed to be a sick daycare. It is a back-up when you have an issue with your standard arrangements. For example, a lot of in-home daycares follow school vacations, so the back-up fills up quickly during those weeks.
It's pretty inconsiderate to those parents and kids who just need an alternative to their regular daycare to bring your contagious kid to the well back-up. I've actually heard my coworkers say, "Well, she still had a fever, but I think she's FINE. So I brought her to back-up."
Sick daycare sounds completely different, and pretty awesome.
Yeah sick DC is completey different that back up care from your description but nevertheless 20 free days of care no matter the kind is absolutely wonderfull!
This. They have sick and non sick back up options. They even offer a nanny to come to your home and you pay by the hour for that.
Baby #1 7/16/10
Baby #2 11/14/12
Baby #3 12/11/14
Baby #4 3/30/17
Baby #5 2/28/19
Baby #6 Miscarriage
Baby #7 7/3/22
Naturally with PCOS
Noticed your listed in MA, don't mean to get in your business but it was something I was looking for so was wondering if the service your talking about is public or just for employees where you work?
Baby #1 7/16/10
Baby #2 11/14/12
Baby #3 12/11/14
Baby #4 3/30/17
Baby #5 2/28/19
Baby #6 Miscarriage
Baby #7 7/3/22
Naturally with PCOS