While driving to work this morning I was listening to my radio program and they were talking about Sandusky's wife taking the stand. And the one DJ was saying how they wife had to have known...very unsympathetic.
I'm just using this as an example. In general I tend to think about the parents or spouses. Like those children who shoot up schools, or murders. I remember when story broke that one of our states senators was caught trying to solicit sex from an undercover cop (man) I just thought how horrible for his children and his wife.
When I was in college I remember watching video's of Jeffery Dahmer's (in psychology class) father and thinking how terrible that his son grew up to be such a horrific human being. But wouldn't you still love your child?
Re: Do you feel bad for parents/SO of those who hurt people?
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Couldn't have said it better. Freak things happen with no warning and I truly feel bad for those affected in those situations. But, I don't feel too bad when people have ignored multiple warning signs. To use Sandusky's wife, for example, why wasn't she wondering why all of those boys were so affectionate (her words) with her DH? One boy, sure, but multiple? How can you not ask yourself: why?
Ditto. Sooks has a good point, there is a limit to it.
what Sookie said.
a good example is the mother of Martin Bryant (Port Arthur Massacre in AU)
he is very guilty- yet his mother states that "they never proved he was there"- she's clearly in denial.
look at the birds | bless this food
The BTK killer in Wichita, KS lead the perfect double life. His wife and kids had absolutely no idea that he was responsible for those attrocious acts. The investigators in the case confirmed that as fact. His family did not support him and I don't think they've visited him in prison.
I think you'd need a lot of therapy and support to deal with the realization that your husband or father was capable of that kind of evil.
I wanted to watch that movie. But I don't tilda swinden (sp?) Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the mother a horrible mother??? I thought I remembered that in the previews. She never wanted him, or neglected him...I could be wrong.