Minnesota Babies


Does anyone go there?  Which doctor do you see?

Re: OBGYN West

  • Teigen is awesome.
  • Dr. Teigen is amazing. Love him.
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  • I see Dr Teigen, he's amazing and such a nice man. 

     I've heard good things about Dr Grootwassink as well but I've only met him once and he was in a rush.  I do believe he's pretty popular as well.

    Good Luck

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  • I know all of them and there isn't a bad apple in the group. I see Grootwassink and he's great... I would also recommend Heegard, Tiegan, Johnson, or Larson. 
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  • I see Dr. Tina Larson and she is great!  We had Dr Grootwassink during our first pregnancy and when we had a miscarriage he was completely NOT what we needed. He never said he was sorry we were going through this or seemed like he cared....our miscarriage was just another day at work for him which didn't help us get through that rough time.

    I've really liked OBGYN West but would adivse Dr. Larson over Grootwassink.

  • Love, love, love Dr. Katie Toft. She made me feel so comfortable throughout the entire process and quite honestly, I was so excited to know that she would be in the delivery room with us. Her nurse: Kelly, is awesome, too! 

    Good luck! 

    Lorryn www.AModernFamily.blogspot.com
  • Dr. Larson is amazing! She has seen us through 2 fairly complicated pregnancies. A good friend sees Dr. Teigen and really likes him. I saw their newest doctor once (Dr. English) and he seemed really good. I don't think you can go wrong there!
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  • 6240662406 member
    I saw Dr. Larson pre-pregnancy (she did my lap surgery) and once we got pregnant I saw her throughout my whole pregnancy.  Unfortunately she had just finished being on call when I went into labor and Dr Grootwassink ended up delivering our little girl.  He was okay and everything went well, but I didn't get the same vibe as I get from Dr. Larson, I love her laugh!
    BFP #1: 9/26/10 DD: 5/2011
    BFP #2: 7/23/14 - MC: 8/28/14
    BFP #3: 2/22/15 - MC: 3/3/15
    BFP #4: 5/20/15 - Stick baby stick!!!
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