Working Moms

15 minutes to run to the store?

I think the most amazing thing about the leaving your kid in daycare posts is the fact that so many of you can run to the store in 15 minutes.  I am amazed!  Anytime I run to the store without the kids a simple trip can turn into an hour long excusion, easy.  If it's Target make it 2. 

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Re: 15 minutes to run to the store?

  • I'm normally home by 4:45.  I went to Target, the grocery store, and picked up some dinner, and I was still home by 5:30.  I was actually shocked!

    For me, "running to the store" while leaving DS in daycare is about needing to pick up a couple important things - like milk.  It's not about doing a huge shopping trip for the week. 

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  • imageEastCoastBride:

    I'm normally home by 4:45.  I went to Target, the grocery store, and picked up some dinner, and I was still home by 5:30.  I was actually shocked!

    For me, "running to the store" while leaving DS in daycare is about needing to pick up a couple important things - like milk.  It's not about doing a huge shopping trip for the week. 

    This.  If I'm leaving him somewhere, I try to just get a few things we need.  Although, it really never occurred to me to do all my shopping while he's at daycare.  He's been nursing after daycare, but we've dropped that session, so I might take advantage of the paid babysitter now! :)


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  • Ha!  If my sister goes to the store alone she'll take her time and look at everything twice.

    I can't do grocery shopping in 15 minutes either.  By the time I get there and all that 5-10 minutes have already gone by. If it took me 15 minutes I would drive up to the sotre, get out, then get back in my car and get to LO's DC. Nothing would have been done.

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  • lol...I agree.  Someone said they could get home, shower, make dinner, and get to daycare in less than 30 minutes.  I was impressed. 

  • jlaOKjlaOK member
    "running into the store" for me is going to the close grocery store and getting the one thing we HAVE to have. I can do that in 10-15 min. Every thing else is grocery shopping.
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  • I am a super fast grocery shopper. But Target is a different story - lots more stuff to look at and either buy or dream about buying in that store, and I usually schedule in more time for those trips! The best is to go on a Saturday morning right when they open, at like 8 a.m. Totally dead inside, and fun for Mom to be alone and wander the aisles, ha!
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  • I have been known to extend my trips to the store if the kids aren't with me.  That's my only "me" time some days/weeks and I live it up!  But, if I only have 15 mins, that's all I take.  I was in and out of the grocery store in 10 mins this AM on my way into work.
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • Yeah I meant like running into CVS to grab a few things or stopping at a grocery store to get some things I need to make dinner tonight or tomorrow, not the full on groceries for the week & not some sort of huge Target excursion (though maybe to target just to grab diapers or some specific item).
  • shannmshannm member

    lol...I agree.  Someone said they could get home, shower, make dinner, and get to daycare in less than 30 minutes.  I was impressed. 

    I'm lucky if I can walk to the parking garage from my desk in that time!
  • ZimgerZimger member

    If I run to the store while DS is in daycare it's probably for something that we need for supper (one or two items). I do sometimes stop at a farmers market stand that is closer to where I work than where DS goes to school. I'd have to back track about 30 minutes if I didn't.

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