By this time tomorrow morning, I will be someone's Mom. I can't believe it's finally happening. It's so surreal. Although we are totally prepared (well, as much as you can be as a FTM), I can't help but feel anxious not only for the procedure, but for the 18+ years after. Any last minute pieces of advice/wisdom for us?
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Re: C-section tomorrow morning- advice/words of encouragements?
Try to relax, especially during the section. It sounds easy but I'm always intimidated by the operating room.
Remember to have a camera for someone to take pictures. One of our nurses took pictures for us.
It will be frustrating for the first day when you're still getting control of your body and also have to take care of the baby. Move slowly. I know the babies cries will sound like they're dying (or perhaps my kids are dramatic) but they can wait the extra 20 seconds for you to no push yourself.
Don't be ashamed to ask the nurses for help. With #1 I was weirded out by needing help but I almost passed out trying to pull up my underwear.
BFP #2 11/30/09 EDD 08/12/10- Sophia Grace born 8/1/10
BFP #3 11/16/10 EDD 08/04/11- Samuel Richard born 7/28/11
BFP #4 01/04/12 EDD 09/19/12- Simon Nathaniel born 9/6/12
BFP #5 03/27/13 EDD 11/25/13- Savannah Lee born 11/18/13
Ditto on the camera advice. The time between the decision for me to have a c-section and my LO being born was roughly 30 minutes and I'm so happy the nurses said something to my H about bringing the camera. He was so flustered that he would've totally forgot.
Move slowly but do move around as soon as they'll let you. It'll help with your recovery and make things easier faster.
Stool softeners, stool softeners, stool softeners. Even after you leave the hospital, where they'll give you stool softeners, take them at home. I'm 2 weeks PP and I'm still scared to stop taking them. Lol.
I found BFing really hard at first simply because I couldn't move around and position myself and baby without pain. Make sure to ask for help from the nurses or your H to help move baby around until you find a good hold.
C-sections are not as scary as they seem. They actually are kinda nice b/c you aren't worn out after from pushing out a baby. Most hospitals require you to go to recovery, be sure to request baby is brought to you in recovery otherwise they may wait until you are in your main room. Get up as soon as they will let you. It will hurt but once you start shuffling around it gets better so much quicker. Some seem to think that if you get a Csection breastfeeding will be harder. That was not the case for me we had no issues. Don't feel guilty if you want your baby to spend some time in the nursery so you can rest. Stay on top of taking your pain meds while in the hospital. No point in feeling the pain. Once I was home I didn't need them.
Enjoy every minute of it and write out the birth story as soon as possible. You quickly forget little things and feelings that happened. I typed mine up really quick the first night. Not formatted but just enough for me to remember so later on I could make it pretty.
Well this advice aint pretty but here you go and I wish someone would have said this to me.
If you hadn't had a poo for several days, ask for a suppository. You will get relief within in 30 minutes or so, instead of waiting hours / days.
Try to get up and walk as soon as you can. Drink lots of water. Both of these things will make your recovery go so much more quickly.
Good luck and congrats!
I have to admit, I'm really jealous of you right now! The birth of my daughter was the hands down the best day of my life. I get teary just thinking about it. Those first few hours with your new little one will be surreal so try to just enjoy it and not to worry about anything. The c/s itself is just a method to bringing your LO into the world. Don't focus on that but the time afterwards when you get to see and hold your baby for the first time. I remember very little about my c/s a year later, but I will NEVER forget how I felt the first time I met my daughter.
Good luck tomorrow!