Two Under 2

POLL: Thoughts WWYD re: Zoo

I've never taken my 2 yo and 9 mo old to the zoo alone, we always go with my husband. When we have gone in the past we bring the double stroller and bjorn because one (or both) get sick of being in the stroller.

I'm taking them today in an hour and am trying to decide which to bring - please share your thoughts.

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Re: POLL: Thoughts WWYD re: Zoo

  • delg23delg23 member
    I think you are going to get tired w/ the bjorn and your 9 m/o. In fact I am surpised you are still using the bjorn. I had to stop using mine at like 3 months w/ DS#1 and sold it. And you want the option to secure both of them in the stroller. I took them to the zoo and DS1 walked around but if he would go crazy or there was a dangerous area I would put him in the stroller & DS2 mostly stayed in the stroller (but he was only 3 m/o)
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  • I said "no stroller, just bjorn" but that's not really true. I'd bring a single stroller and a carrier, but I hate the bjorn so that's not the one I'd choose. I take my kids out by myself frequently and I like bring just a carrier for places where there's less walking (playground etc) and a stroller as well for places with more walking. We don't own a double, and I've never needed one.
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  • I've always had plenty of help on our zoo trips with both, but have still been incredibly glad to have the double stroller. My 2 year old is great at walking with us and listening, but I still feel better if we to have a safe place to put both of them. I also know that I would get too warm and tired carrying my 9 month old in the carrier (and she's only 15.5lbs!) so it's nice to have the option of putting her down somewhere. And if nothing else, my double has a nice huge basket for carrying diapers and sunscreen and water bottles and camera and and and... :P
    Mama to two sweet girls
    DD1 Feb 2010
    DD2 Sept 2011

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  • I go to the zoo frequently by myself.  I bring the double stroller and the ergo.  Both kids love the ergo.
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  • Eek-how are you still using the bjorn with a 9 month old? I loved that carrier in the beginning, but after 4 months old it hurts! The ergo is great and I'm still comfortably wearing my 17 month old in it. Totally worth it for 2u2 I think.

    In that scenario, I'd bring a single and the bjorn.

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  • I always take the double and throw the carrier (we have an ergo as well) in the bottom basket.  I start DS3 off in the stroller and let the others walk.  I only put DD2 in the stroller if she is acting out, or doesn't want to walk, and I'll use the carrier if DS3 is tired of sitting in the stroller.
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