Cloth Diapering

Overnight disposables?

We're going out of town for two weeks, and I'm not sure if we can take our beloved BGs with us.  Anyone have any suggestions for overnight alternatives to cloth?
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Overnight disposables?

  • spritzspritz member

    Because of our dcp/schedules we have done combo sposies/cd.  Now that I sahm we cd during the day, but we still use a disposable at night.  I've never had a problem with a disposable leaking overnight, unless dd was at the top end of the weight limit for the diaper.  A leaking overnight diaper is usually what tells me it is time to move up to the next size. 

     Basically, buy the right size sposie or one size up if your lo is a super heavy wetter or at the top end of the size and you should be fine all night.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Ditto PP. We still use sposies at night just because I haven't found a ON option that doesn't leak and is also not super bulky. We use 7th Generation's chlorine free sposies. They seem a little better than the Pampers/Huggies types.
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