I saw a little girl this weekend who was exactly 20 days older than DS. She could clap her hands, wave bye bye, give kisses on the cheek, and point to her nose (when you ask where's your nose). My DS, well, I'm pretty sure he knows his name, and he gets excited and bounces when you sing the jump up and down song. That's about it.
I know, I know, I know, I know, never compare two children. Especially not a girl to a boy. But I can't stop thinking about it, and feel like DS is behind.
Re: 9 mo development
I do it too, I know a baby who is 4 days younger than my youngest and she was walking 2 months ago. He's not even standing on his own yet.
It's hard not to compare but I try to keep in mind that all kids really are different and move at their own pace.
You're right...don't compare. But we all do.
He is fine, sweetie...really. L was the same way. He walked early, but didn't wave until later or clap...point to his nose...all of that was late. It was like he'd do it once & was bored of it. He picked it back up & now (I'm a little biased) is brilliant. You've heard the stories!
They all do things in their own time.