
**Already a Mom of Multiples and Pregnant or Newborn- Check In!**

Hey girls!

1.  How is everyone feeling/adjusting?  Updates?

2.  What is your biggest craving right now?

2A. How soon after delivery did you Moms have your first cocktail?  :)

(sorry if my #2's aren't that creative this week!!!)

Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: **Already a Mom of Multiples and Pregnant or Newborn- Check In!**

  • 1. Feeling pretty good.  It's getting more difficult to do certain things now that the belly is pretty far out when my girls sit on my lap at night to read their bed time story.  And taking those little elbows jabbing me when they're climbing up or squirming next to me is getting tough!!!  Tomorrow is my one hour glucose tolerance test....HATE this test and pray I pass as I missed it by a few points last time and had a horrific reaction to the 3 hour...and didn't have GD.

    2.  Lemon for sure, which I also had with the girls.  But I've also had a much bigger sweet tooth than normal and I've been craving dessert with a glass of milk!

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • 1. I'm going on 32 weeks and it's really hard getting up, I'm uncomfortable and feel huge. I'm diagnosed with mild pre-e so every appt is a gamble as to what they want to do with me. I hope to stay on the outside of the hospital a few more weeks. My best news is that the twins are doing so well, big, breathing in their own and eating and kidneys functioning.

    2. Italian ice

    3.  I imagine like a month it will be? And it will be a Dirty Martini for sure!!! 

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  • Looks like I'll be joining you ladies!  We found out on Father's Day that I'm pg again.  Little miracle child. Dh and I are still in shock (in a very good way).  We have first OB appt tomorrow; I'm nervous.


    1.  How is everyone feeling/adjusting?  Updates?  Feeling overly tired and pass out during the boys' bedtime.  I've been telling the boys to say hi to baby, and they lift my shirt.  Hopefully we can begin slowly to adjust them to the idea.

    2.  What is your biggest craving right now?  Not sure if craving, but yesterday I had to have ppj sandwich.  And today I'll prepare the same.  Haven't had one in yrs.

    2A. How soon after delivery did you Moms have your first cocktail?  :)  With the boys, I think like Thanksgiving, so one month.

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • 1- Feeling incredibly well.  Any discomfort I have right now is nothing compared to what 35weeks felt like with the twins.  I feel like super woman and is amazed everyday that I can still manage to go about my business.  Yes, I'm tired at the end of the day, but this is a beach vacation compared to last time.

    2 - Amazingly, fruit and vegetables.  Lame -o I know.

    2A - I'm pretty sure I have someone bringing wine to my hospital room....

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  • imagecocojack10:

    Looks like I'll be joining you ladies!  We found out on Father's Day that I'm pg again.  Little miracle child. Dh and I are still in shock (in a very good way).  We have first OB appt tomorrow; I'm nervous.


    1.  How is everyone feeling/adjusting?  Updates?  Feeling overly tired and pass out during the boys' bedtime.  I've been telling the boys to say hi to baby, and they lift my shirt.  Hopefully we can begin slowly to adjust them to the idea.

    2.  What is your biggest craving right now?  Not sure if craving, but yesterday I had to have ppj sandwich.  And today I'll prepare the same.  Haven't had one in yrs.

    2A. How soon after delivery did you Moms have your first cocktail?  :)  With the boys, I think like Thanksgiving, so one month.

    HOORAY!!!!!!!  Congratulations!  I"m so excited for you!!!

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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