February 2013 Moms

Cloth Diaper win!

I broached the subject of CDs with my DH the other day and was surprised when he was adamently against them.  This is something I really want to do but he is very worried about poop leaks (apparently he had a traumatic incident at 14 with a younger cousin that he was baby sitting); cleaning them, and how much time they will take since we both will be working.  I marshalled my arguments for and even showed him a youtube video on how easy they were to clean but still no go. He finally said that if I could produce a friend that used them we would go from there.  I suggested that he speak with a co-worker of his (co-worker and wife are both doctors and very health/environmentally conscious) that I know DH respects and who I was willing to bet had used CDs.  Turns out I was right! They had used CDs and loved them! Even offered to give us some if we have a boy.  I think DH is now on board to at least try. Woohoo!

The day the Bump died - Jasper is wise
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Re: Cloth Diaper win!

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    Yeah! You can tell your husband that I've used both Cloth and disposables for over a year and the only poop leak I had was in a disposable. 
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    Yay!  I am still in the process of convincing my DH.  He finally relented and let me buy 7 BG 4.0s.  I love them, and I think he likes them more than he lets on, but he is still freaked out by the who poo aspect of them.  I do the laundry anyway, so he just needs to deal with getting them off the kids, put the poo in the toilet if it needs, and into the webag. Men!
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    That's great! We've used both, and only had explosions with the disposables. And they're WAY cheaper than disposables over time. 


    I'm curious though... why are they only giving you some if you have a boy? 

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    That's great.  We have used cloth since DD1 was 3 days old and we love it.  We will use disposables sometimes while traveling, and I have to tell you that 95% of our poosplosions have occured in disposables.  Cloth diapers work better, they are better for baby's skin (in most cases; I know some people can't use them because their babies are really sensitive to wetness or have allergies to the type of cloth they are using), and they are super-cute.
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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    I am still on the fence, I used CD with both my kids at the very least part time.  however, I work full time, DH works full time, with three kids, my classes, kids classes etc I already didn't have time to wash and stuff with DD but we shall see, at the very least I will CD while I am on maternity leave. 
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    Yay I really want to go the cloth diaper route this time now that I will have my own laundry 
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    We've been using cloth for almost 14 months now and not one single ounce of poop has leaked :) You'll LOVE them!
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    I really want to CD!  My DH seems to be on board since he was CDed as a child.  However if we don't have laundry in our new place (we are moving in Nov) then I don't think it will be possible.  What brands/kinds do you recommend?  I researched gdiapers a few years ago when I first heard of them.  They are what made me want to CD.  But are they really that good or are there better ones? 
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    That's great! We've used both, and only had explosions with the disposables. And they're WAY cheaper than disposables over time. 


    I'm curious though... why are they only giving you some if you have a boy? 

    Both of their LOs are boys so I am assuming that they fell that the CDs they have are "boy" prints or colors.  I have zero issues with a girl in primary colors so I'm curious to see their supply.

    The day the Bump died - Jasper is wise
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    I really want to CD!  My DH seems to be on board since he was CDed as a child.  However if we don't have laundry in our new place (we are moving in Nov) then I don't think it will be possible.  What brands/kinds do you recommend?  I researched gdiapers a few years ago when I first heard of them.  They are what made me want to CD.  But are they really that good or are there better ones? 

    i have not used Gdiapers, but the consensus on the cloth diaper board has been that they are pretty awful.  We use pocket diapers now that the girls are older - I like Fuzzibunz and Bum Genius.

    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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    I'm curious though... why are they only giving you some if you have a boy? 

    Both of their LOs are boys so I am assuming that they fell that the CDs they have are "boy" prints or colors.  I have zero issues with a girl in primary colors so I'm curious to see their supply.

    Oh, ok. Yeah, I have no problem with mixing up the colors! :) We bought several of our Fuzzibunz used, so DS rocked out a few pink and lavender ones from time to time. It's no biggie, and they're under clothes anyway.  

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    I really want to CD!  My DH seems to be on board since he was CDed as a child.  However if we don't have laundry in our new place (we are moving in Nov) then I don't think it will be possible.  What brands/kinds do you recommend?  I researched gdiapers a few years ago when I first heard of them.  They are what made me want to CD.  But are they really that good or are there better ones? 

    lylahlove has a great blog which has a link to her recommendations on CDs - the link is under her picture "growingafoosa"

    The day the Bump died - Jasper is wise
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