

Did you see my post about subbing for junior high yesterday?

Re: r9

  • They are all crazy. ?All of them. ?My frosh are horrid this week.


    Is it a full moon? ?That is when they are the worst.?

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I don't know what was the deal, but they were horrid.  I wanted to bang my head on the desk.  Gah.  The teacher's planning period wasn't until the LAST hour of the day, so I had to do it time and time again with no break.  It got worse as the day went on, too.  One of the other teachers said that he couldn't believe how bad they were, either (for him!).  I'm so glad that I rarely get called to sub for junior high. 
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  • I want to pound my pound my head on a desk all the time. ?


    ALL THE TIME. ? Give me two seconds. ?Yup.?

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • LMAO.  I ended up chewing their butts the last hour that I had them.  We went over to another teacher's classroom to watch a video and they were really bad for him, too.  I told them that there was no excuse for them being so rude to him and when teachers are talking, they need to listen.  I think they were surprised that I cared.  It didn't make them stop being so obnoxious, though.

    I sub for ag on Thursday.  I KNOW that will be better.  I'll still have one class of 8th graders--but it's only one hour out of the day.

    Only 2 more hours for you!  I know I've asked you this before, but I don't remember what you said.  Does your school have block scheduling?

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