Baby Names

Gut reaction




like? Hate?  A particular thing is, we're a mixed-race couple and want a name that sounds neither definitely white nor definitely black.  

Re: Gut reaction

  • Talia is okay.  Shirah sounds like She-ra, He-man's sister lol
    Little Man 1.8.11
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  • Love Talia.

    Not a fan of Shirah. Shira is okay.  

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  • imagestrawberrytree:

    Love Talia.

    Not a fan of Shirah. Shira is okay.  


  • I think they are both really pretty names, I love Talia in particular. I think they are both Hebrew names, so it doesn't make me think black or white.
  • I like Talia! It is very pretty! Not a huge fan of Shirah.
  • I like Talia, I don't care for Shirah. 
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  • FinkFink member

    Love Talia.

    Don't love Shirah because of the connection to He-Man.

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  • Honestly, I'm probably going to get flamed for this.  But this isn't the first time the subject of a bi-racial couple trying to find a name that isn't "too one thing" or "too another" has come up.

    It's 2012.  Worrying about what race a name is seems counterproductive.  Why not just settle on a good solid name and forget what color everyone is?  Seems to me this reinforces stereotypes that we need to be getting rid of.  If I were part of a bi-racial couple, I would want our child to ONLY know that he has two parents that love him unconditionally and to not worry what color each of us is.

    ETA:  I am trying to figure out what a "white name" is.  I know three black women who have the name Elizabeth.  I know one named Carol.  I know one named Judy.  I know one name Katie.  Are these deemed "white names?"

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  • Talis is ok.

    Not sure how to pronounce Shirah.


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  • I don't really care for Talia, but I can't STAND Shirah.
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  • I like Talia. Shira(h) could grow on me.
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    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Talia for sure. meh to the other
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  • They are both very nice Hebrew names, so I would assume you were Jewish if you are looking for assumptions.

    Shirah is pronounced Shy-rah, right?  DH's friend had a girlfriend we all loved and then he dumped her.  I was so disappointed.  Such a pretty name!

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  • Shirah is okay.  Love Talia.  Like others, I thought both names sounded Jewish/Hebrew, rather than  black or white, although I also agree w/pp that names don't always denote race.
    "Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry."
  • I prefer Talia. I have heard it frequently on Italian woment. I like it because it is uncommon but not so much so that I'd give it the side eye.

     Shirah is NMS. Makes me think of the Princess of Power.

  • ansi29ansi29 member




    like? Hate?  A particular thing is, we're a mixed-race couple and want a name that sounds neither definitely white nor definitely black.  

    I really like both names.  My gut reaction is that those are Hebrew/Jewish names.    

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  • imageCranang:

    It's 2012.  Worrying about what race a name is seems counterproductive.  Why not just settle on a good solid name and forget what color everyone is?  Seems to me this reinforces stereotypes that we need to be getting rid of.  If I were part of a bi-racial couple, I would want our child to ONLY know that he has two parents that love him unconditionally and to not worry what color each of us is.

    What you wrote is something I would've said myself (I'm the white one) years ago before getting together with my husband. But there's nothing like raising a bi-racial child to drive the point home that even though humanity SHOULD be past race, stereotypes, etc right now, in our country we are very, very, very much NOT.  Sucks but that's how it is.  And we live in a pretty liberal city.

    That is reality, the world's not always an ideal place, but as parents the best we can do is raise our child in that framework, aware of those constraints. 

    A "too-white" name would be like Ingrid (people'd be looking for a Scandinavian girl).   A "too-black" name would be, say, Aicha (people would be looking for a 100% AA girl).  I love both names, they're just not something we would choose for our child for that reason.

  • imageMandJS:
    if you're trying to go fairly neutral, both sound Jewish to me... In Hebrew, Shirah means song and Talia means dew of God.

    This. I've only known Jews with these names. I love Talia, though. 

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  • Talia is better but it sounds like it should be a nn for something else... maybe Natalia?
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  • imagestrawberrytree:

    Love Talia.

    Not a fan of Shirah. Shira is okay.  


  • I'm not a fan of either, mostly because I can't look at them and figure out how they're supposed to be pronounced right away. Sorry. "/

    If you're looking for names that you can't tell the race of immediately I would go with something simple like Leah, Kayla, Aubrey, Nicole, etc. I have friends of both races with those names and just hearing them I don't instantly think "Oh she's...."

    I would suggest staying away from names that have ' in them, as I see that a LOT of (not trying to sound racist, I swear!) colored people using them in their children's names. Like, I met a Jayd'n the other day. Why she felt the need to have the ' instead of an e is beyond me, but none the less I see it a lot (I work in a day care).


    Best of luck. :)

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  • imagekimberlymautz:

    I'm not a fan of either, mostly because I can't look at them and figure out how they're supposed to be pronounced right away. Sorry. "/

    If you're looking for names that you can't tell the race of immediately I would go with something simple like Leah, Kayla, Aubrey, Nicole, etc. I have friends of both races with those names and just hearing them I don't instantly think "Oh she's...."

    I would suggest staying away from names that have ' in them, as I see that a LOT of (not trying to sound racist, I swear!) colored people using them in their children's names. Like, I met a Jayd'n the other day. Why she felt the need to have the ' instead of an e is beyond me, but none the less I see it a lot (I work in a day care).


    Best of luck. :)

    I do not doubt your sincerity in not being racist, but "colored" is awful.  Don't say that...Please.

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  • I like Talia, not a fan of Shirah.
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  • I like Talia, I don't like Shirah.

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  • I like Talia, I like Natalia with the nn Talia a tad more.
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    SHE-RA, Princess of Power! I was her for Halloween.

    Talia is just eh for me.

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  • HATE.  I get what you are going for and I like the idea but I don't like those names.  

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  • Talia -yes, Shirah- NO

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  • imageCranang:

    I'm not a fan of either, mostly because I can't look at them and figure out how they're supposed to be pronounced right away. Sorry. "/

    If you're looking for names that you can't tell the race of immediately I would go with something simple like Leah, Kayla, Aubrey, Nicole, etc. I have friends of both races with those names and just hearing them I don't instantly think "Oh she's...."

    I would suggest staying away from names that have ' in them, as I see that a LOT of (not trying to sound racist, I swear!) colored people using them in their children's names. Like, I met a Jayd'n the other day. Why she felt the need to have the ' instead of an e is beyond me, but none the less I see it a lot (I work in a day care).


    Best of luck. :)

    I do not doubt your sincerity in not being racist, but "colored" is awful.  Don't say that...Please.

    Seriously. That term is out-dated and offensive. 

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
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  • I have a cousin name Talia. I think it's beautiful.

    The other is NMS at all.

  • I think I can understand what you and DH are trying to achieve and I agree that names have a tendency to scream black or white. A PP mentioned Elizabeth and I feel classic names like this one could go either way, but a name like Tamara says black to me and a name like Wariest says white. To avoid this I would suggest using a classic name like Elizabeth, Catherine, or Sarah. In reference to your picks I like Talia and not a fan of Shirah. I suggest Tess or Tessa.

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  • I have always loved Talia but thought I was way too white to use it, unfortunately. I also like Nadia a lot for a child with an ethnic heritage.
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  • Nope. Don't like either one, sorry.



  • Love Talia    really dislike Shira
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