June 2012 Moms

XP: Membrane Stripping Question

Quick question for everyone. Had my membranes stripped this morning at my doctor's appointment. How much bleeding did everyone experience if any at all?

Also, did it really work for anyone? I'm SO ready to get things moving! 

Thanks in advance! 


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Re: XP: Membrane Stripping Question

  • I just would like to know what it means when you get your Membrane's stripped? Sorry, I keep seeing this post on here and don't know what it is.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I spotted for a day.  Had it done Thursday and nothing has changed.  I was 4 cm and 80% effaced at that point. 


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  • I had my membranes stripped 3 times with my last pregnancy. I didn't have any bleeding. 

    The 3rd time did it for me though. Membranes were stripped at 2pm, contractions started 3 hours later and DS was born the next day.

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  • I had my membranes stripped this morning. It's surprised me how much blood is apparently normal for me... but the doctor checked and confirmed that it was normal... *shrugs*

     I obviously don't know yet whether it's worked for me, but since then my contractions have gotten closer together... so maybe things are moving now... 

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  • When I had it done with #1 I was 40w 6d and I definitely spotted but not a lot of bleeding (that I remember). I know I had bloody show and slowly lost my mucous plug too. I cramped that whole day and woke up with real contractions the next morning. 
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  • I had my membranes stripped this morning. I spotted and I think it has stopped now. I thought my spotting was heavy but my doctor assured me it was not. I'm 4cm, so far not too much happening. Good luck to you!
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