1st Trimester

Forgot to take prenatals twice - calm me down!

So I forgot to take my prenatal two nights ago, so I told myself to remember to take one yesterday morning instead of waiting for the usual night time.  But then I forgot that one as well!  I've now gone about 2.5 days without taking a prenatal - please tell me I'm freaking out about nothing and that this isn't a huge deal. 

FWIW, I at a lot of raw veggies, fruit, rolled oats, yogurt and red meat this weekend.  I'm hoping that covers most of what I need other than folic acid and DHA.  Although, I did also have a Luna bar, which has added folic acid. 

(And, I'm at work right now, so I won't be able to take one until 10 hours from now.)

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Re: Forgot to take prenatals twice - calm me down!

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    I missed my vitamins here and there during my last pregnancy and DD is fine. Don't stress about it. There are enough things to worry about already.
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    You are freaking out for absolutely no reason.  Pre-natals are important, yes, but they are to supplement your diet and even a crappy diet will provide SOME of what the body needs.  Plus, we're talking about a cumulative effect.  It's not like your stores of vitamins are depleted every 24 hours and you need to "keep your levels up" so to speak.  Start taking them again and you're golden.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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    No need to worry at all. I was young when I got pregnant with my first son, and I didn't know I was pregnant till I was almost 3 months pregnant so no prenatals or any kind of vitamins till after that, I ate healthy, and he was just fine.

    **********Matthew 1.8.06 - Connor 7.17.08 - Alexis 2.16.13 ************


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    You're fine.  Skipping 2 days isn't going to hurt anything, especially if you have a healthy diet.  

    Honestly, if you are freaking out this much over missing a vitamin, it's going to be long 9 months for you.  Chill. 

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    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have done permanent damage by missing 2 days of vitamins. Your child will now be born with horns and perhaps a tail due to lack of vitamins.

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    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have done permanent damage by missing 2 days of vitamins. Your child will now be born with horns and perhaps a tail due to lack of vitamins.


    Big Smile ok that made me laugh... a lot

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    With DS I threw up every vitamin I ate from 7w on. I couldn't even look at the bottle without getting sick. By 10 w my OB finally said just to give up taking them because I was losing too much weight. DS and I are perfectly healthy. Try not to stress.
    BFP # 1- DS ~ TTC #2 since Jan. 2012 - BFP # 2 - "Baby Elsie" - Blighted Ovum - D&C August 22, 2012 at 7w3d, BFP # 3 - CP - December 30, 2012, BFP # 4 - CP - March 19, 2013 ~ First RE Appt. 4/24/13 Med cycle #1: 50mg Clomid and Trigger shot = BFN. Med. Cycle #2: 6 cysts found. No meds/rest cycle. Trying on our own = BFP # 5! Beta #1 = 77, Beta #2 = 129 Beta #3 = 94 - CP - July 2, 2013. BFP # 6! Beta#1 = 21, Beta#2 =58 Beta#3 = 134. U/S shows heartbeat of 142 at 7w2d!
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    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have done permanent damage by missing 2 days of vitamins. Your child will now be born with horns and perhaps a tail due to lack of vitamins.

    hahaha thanks :)  I probably wrote that post making me sound a little more freaked out than I really am, but I guess I just needed to hear from others that it really isn't a big deal. 

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    Relax. Where I usually live, in Germany, the only thing they tell pregnant women to take is a folic acid supplement. That's it. No PNVs. They check your iron levels at every appointment, and if they fall below a certain mark (mine did around 12 weeks), then they prescribe you an iron supplement, too. And the babies in Germany are born just as healthy as in the US. In many cases healthier, actually, since every pregnant woman gets free prenatal care.

    As someone else said, if you're freaking out about missing 2 PNVs, this is going to be a looooong 9 months for you.

    BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
    BFP2: 3/18/12, blighted ovum, natural m/c @ 7w4d
    BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence

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    You are fine.  My SIL did not take prenatals with any of her pregnancies (when she did take them, they came right back up) and she has 3 healthy children.  I would not advise taking them out of your daily routine, but missing a day or two won't be the end of the world. 
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
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    No need to worry at all. I was young when I got pregnant with my first son, and I didn't know I was pregnant till I was almost 3 months pregnant so no prenatals or any kind of vitamins till after that, I ate healthy, and he was just fine.




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    Calm down. It's okay. For thousands of years women didn't take prenatal vitamins and yet they still delivered healthy babies.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Pregnancy Ticker
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    OMG prenatals do not keep your baby alive.  This is sooo not worth freaking out over. chill.
    William born 9/7/07
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    Relax, it's no big deal at all.

    Some women can't take pnv's at all, or only can take them once in a while without making themselves sick.  Also, some women that get little to no prenatal care never take pnv's at all.  Missing two days is no big deal whatsoever.

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
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    It's ok. No need to panic! Jus take them when you get home. Missing your prenatals is not a life or death situation. Some women don't even take them because they get sick and go on to have healthy, beautiful babies.
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    You'll be fine.  Put them by your toothpaste!
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    You are freaking out for absolutely no reason.  Pre-natals are important, yes, but they are to supplement your diet and even a crappy diet will provide SOME of what the body needs.  Plus, we're talking about a cumulative effect.  It's not like your stores of vitamins are depleted every 24 hours and you need to "keep your levels up" so to speak.  Start taking them again and you're golden.

    This, especially the bolded.  It's NBD.  Just get back on track with taking them.

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    sesigssesigs member
    Obviously, what all of the PPs said but also don't forget that a lot of the foods you are probably eating have folic acid and DHA in them too! You don't just get those things from vitamins or fortified foods. They occur naturally like all the other vitamins you need. 
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    No worries - I forgot mine last night too! I'm sure there are many of us out there! :-)


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