I am looking at Bum Genius diapers for DD, specifically the Flips, the 4.0's, and the new All In Ones with the 2 liner flaps attached. Those who have experience, what is your favorite & why? Do you have a mix...if so why, are certain ones better for certain times? Thanks for the advice!
Re: What's your favorite BG diaper???
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
Off B.C. Jan '06, started charting Feb '08, 2% morphology and PCOS, no O with meds,
IVF w/ICSI only option to conceive.
Licensed Foster Parents 07.11
Miracle BFP 7.20.11 1st beta 6,274! EDD 3.17.12
Miracle Baby born March 5, 2012 . 6lbs 1oz, 19 3/4"
Miracle BFP #2 10.8.12 - edd 6.20.13
DS#1- 7/2002
DS#2- 6/2004
DS#3- 9/2007
We have a mix.
If you're just starting out never ever just get all of one kind. Your baby's shape and peeing habits will dictate what you buy, not what you think will work.
Also, be aware that some babies are irritated by microsuede (inner to 4.0s and the freetime).
Pockets (the 4.0)
Started TTC 05.08
Me: Stage II endo, borderline high FSH
DH: perfect
1 lap, 5 IUIs = 4 BFNs and 1 c/p
2 IVFs, 2 FETs = 1 BFN, 1 c/p, 1 ectopic and finally a sticky BFP in May 2011!
1 FET in Aug 2013 = BFP!
Before filling out my stash I experimented w/ freetimes and 4.0s. Ultimately I choose 4.0s. They seemed trimmer, easier to clean and dry, less cumbersome b/c no flaps, and definitely cheaper (e.g. 7 for 5 sale). But the free times are not a bad diaper at all, don't get me wrong. It's a fine choice, just depends on your needs.
Someone gave me a flip and it does nothing for me.
Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.
my blog
What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.
Cloth diapering twins, Part II.
The Elemental AIO!!
It's a really great diaper. I am sometimes able to use it ON with no leaks for up to 8 hours! Plus the cotton is soft and the fit is trim. Love them.