My 16 month old DD has hand foot mouth disease that she got from one of our friends kids at a cookout last weekend. It sucks because we didn't even know the kid had HFMD until we were already there for an hour and half and over heard someone else talking about it.
How long is it contagious for? I've heard/read several things and am curious what other pediatricians say (its contagious until all the blisters pop or heal, its not contagious once the fever is gone, etc).
Our 3 yo DD has her 4th birthday party at the end of the month and we are trying really hard for her not to get it.
It sucks. LO is going thru it right now. Along with an ear infection.
It is a typical summer virus.
It is contagious. I'm not sure how long it is contagious for.
Semi-warm mac & cheese is one of the only things she'll eat (she has blisters in her mouth and throat).
This! My DS had it a few weeks ago. His pedi said it usually they can go back to school/daycare after the fever is gone for 24 hours, but that it was really best to keep them out of public for a week. And, yeah, in poop for up to 3 months.
Good luck, DS was miserable and only ate cold fruit for days.