
Did you have a feeling you were having twins?

So, I knew I was pregnant before I missed a period. I could just tell. Your body knows, so a part of you knows. Right? Well I'm wondering if you women with multiples knew (before you "knew") that you were expecting more than one. Is that something you can tell without a lot of different symptoms?

Re: Did you have a feeling you were having twins?

  • i had an inkling.  i even joked about it.
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  • I was completely taken off guard when I was told there were two babies at my first u/s.   It was mind say the least.

    I didn't have any more symptoms with the babies than I did with my singleton, Emerson, until the end....28+ weeks.


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  • Nope. I knew my betas were on the higher end, but I also knew that those numbers don't necessarily mean much. There is no way to know how many babies are in there based on symptoms alone. If there was, I would have been much more prepared at that first ultrasound. ;)
    Double the love
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    7/30/12 - B/G twins born at 33w4d due to PPROM
  • Yeah right. I was praying it was a false positive until my midwife did the ultrasound and saw the babies. Then I was in disbelief, pissed, and more than a little shocked.

    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We were joking it was twins before we knew only because I gained a more than normal weight in the first trimester and started getting a little belly really early.  However, I really had no idea until I saw two babies on the u/s screen.  I think it's a common thing for all pregnant women to wonder about.  Do you have a feeling about it?
  • All my life I thought I would have twins. Not sure why, I just felt like I would. However, the way I ended up getting to this point (single and IVF) was NEVER how I thought it would happen. Obviously I knew twins were a possibility as we put back two embryos. I found out i was pregnant early, but I was so sure there was just one. Then my betas came back low and I was even more convinced there was one. And finally at my 5 week ultrasound, the Dr was pretty sure there was just one. So, I was seriously shocked when my 7 week ultrasound clearly showed to sacs and two heartbeats. 
    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • Nope! I had no idea until I was in the ER for bleeding when they told me it was twins. I also never had any morning sickness but I was extremely exhausted. However, I just thought I was getting sick. Now I did "know" I was pregnant before I took a pregnancy test. I use the rythem method to not get pregnant so when I was a few days late I knew the test was going to be positive. 
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  • No freakin' idea. Never crossed my mind. I planned every detail of that pregnancy...except the part about having two babies, instead of one!
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  • I knew it was a possibility because I had IVF and we transfered 3 embryos. But we had such bad luck with the first 2 cycles I though no friggin way we'd get 2 out of this last one. I had a friend that felt like she "knew" she would have twin boys. She even asked me at like 30 weeks pg .....could I still have them. Umm no. She ended up with a singleton girl. And then got made at me when I got pg with twins.
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  • We did IVF and put 3 embryos in, so once I got a positive test, I knew it was a possibility. Due to my history of losses and failed cycles, I had my beta drawn 5x...I was thinking twins due to the numbers since they were very close to the twin beta levels on the betabase website. We saw 2 heartbeats at 6 wks!

    Wedding Fall 2007 Off OCP's since 9/08-started with BBT charts Saw Ob/gyn May 2009 Blood work normal except single copy of MTHFR Clomid 50mg May 2009 Clomid 50mg + IUI June 2009 Femara 5mg + IUI July 2009 Normal HSG July 2009 Femara 5mg + ovidrel+IUI August 2009 Femara 5mg +ovidrel + IUI September 2009 November 2009-normal lap December 2009-met with RE December/January-Injectible med cycle with IUI-Abnormal sperm morpology found-only 0-1% normal All Head defects. Jan/Feb 2010 1st IVF with ICSI-5 week chemical pregnancy :( Feb 2010-male infertility doc says DH's anatomy and blood work are normal so nothing he can do. :( FET July 2010-BFP! Twin m/c @ 5.5 wks :( Dec/Jan 2011 IVF #2 Only 4 eggs retrieved-Ganirelix dose messed up BFFN Feb/March 2011 IVF #3 ER 3/9 9 eggs, 7 fertilized, ET 3/14, No frosties. BFN IVF #4 ER 8/22 9R,7F ET 8/25-3 embies, 1 frostie! Beta 9/2= 54, 9/6=274, 9/8=625, 9/12=2953, 9/16 greater than 10,000. B/G TWINS born April 2012 @ 36wks & 1 day! July 2014-going back for the frozen embryo! ET 7/28, heartbeat seen at 6wks1day with SCH. Miscarriage confirmed at 6wks4days

  • It never crossed my mind. Seriously the biggest shock of my life. I did have a sense that I was pregnant before my test though. But 
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    Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d

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  • I did.  I actually had a feeling I would have twins a couple months before we actually got pregnant (after a m/c)....I even told my mom about while it was a shock to actually find out that yes I was pregnant with twins, I had had a feeling it would happen for months...
  • No.  MH joked with me that he thought I was having twins but I never thought I was until the doctor told me there were two.  And even then I thought he was joking (that MH had told him to do that).  

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  • Yep. I was still BFing my son at the time and told DH that I was so hungry because I was eating for 4. And I joked about it often. That doesn't mean I wasn't blown away 2 on the screen though. Our twins were spontaneous ID twins so even though twins "run in my family" I never would have thought it would happen- and we just got lucky! 

  • Nope - not the faintest clue actually.
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  • I had absolutely no clue until I saw 2 sacs on the u/s.
    DX: Anovulation
    TX: IUI #1-4 = BFN + 1 c/p
    IUI #5: Clomid 100mg + Bravelle + Trigger + B2B IUIs + 800mg Progesterone = BFP!
    Beta #1 (14dpiui): 460 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 998 Beta #3 (23dpiui): 21,832 Beta #4 (29dpiui): 129,771

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  • I didn't know but my dad knew. 

    When my husband and I told my dad and his mom about the pregnancy my dad said he would only be happy if it were boy/girl twins...and it was.  Now we laughed it off of course but when I was pregnant with our son he said he would only be happy if it was a boy and when I was pregnant with our daughter he said he would only be happy with a girl all before we knew anything other than "we were pregnant".

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  • I did, but I tried really hard to ignore it. I had a ton of dreams about having twins during my first trimester. I told my husband and few friends about it and we all laughed. I was scared that it might be true. Despite the premonition, I was still completely shocked when we found out at our 20 week ultrasound. Ours are ID and there are no twins in my family.
    J - 9/6/09 L and A - 1/17/12
  • I wasn't that surprised.  We did IVF, put in three embies, betas were very high.  What I didn't expect was to actually have all three embryos take.  RE said only 5% chance for triplets.  First u/s he said it was twins but when I went for my second one there were three hb's.  Took me a while to get over that shock!
    Diagnosis: DOR and MFI-low everything IVF #1 = triplets! 2 girls and a boy! Born Sept 29, 2011 at 32w6d due to Pre-e and HELLP syndrome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Not really. We actually found out we were expecting twins at an appointment to see if I had lost the single (or so I thought) baby I was carrying. I went from thinking we had lost one to realizing we had gained two!
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  • imageleviandlandensmom:

    Yeah right. I was praying it was a false positive until my midwife did the ultrasound and saw the babies. Then I was in disbelief, pissed, and more than a little shocked.

    Can. Not. IMAGINE!!  I would have been pissed too!!  (Miss you!!)

    To I had no clue.  Shocking doesn't begin to cover it.

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  • already answered.  : )
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  • I had a feeling - only because my home pregnancy test turned positive ridiculously early.  I took the test early because I was attending a happy hour that night and didn't want to drink should I be pregnant.

    However, when the ultrasound tech confirmed it at 9 weeks, it was still what I consider to be the biggest shock of my life. 

    D & R were born at 37w5d.

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  • Had no clue. I knew because they run in the family that I could have them but I never suspected in a million years that I would get twins. We were in complete shock at our dating u/s at 10 weeks to see 2 babies on the screen.


  • I told everyone it was twins, but I think that was just positive thinking. This was our third ET with IVF and our last two embryos. I figured if the other 4 embryos had failed, the odds were in our favor that these two would stick.

    That being said, no I didn't know. My betas were on the low end for a singleton, so I never imagined it was actually twins. I didn't have any symptoms at all until 6 weeks, and then it was just mild nausea. Sometimes I still have a hard time believing it.

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    TTC #1 since 2009 with unexplained infertility
    IUI#1-4 Jan.-Apr. 2011 = BFNs
    IVF#1 Aug. 2011 = c/p, FET #1 Nov. 2011 = c/p, FET #2 April 2012 = BFP!
    Beta #1 = 153, Beta #2 = 269, Beta #3 = 675
    1st U/S = TWINS!! EDD 12/29/12
    my blog: Journey to Somewhere
    April IVF Spring Chicks

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  • MrsLntMrsLnt member
    I did "know" I was PG before I tested but twins were the last thing on my mind. I found out at 6w 3d via routine dating ultrasound and you could have knocked me over with a feather I was so shocked. Twins were not something I even remotely considered. 
  • Yes. It's actually a really sweet story. My grandma was my best friend and died while I was pregnant with our third. Every time we got pregnant she'd say, "Ooooh! I'm praying for twins!" and each was a singleton. 

    My DH and I decided to wait about three years between our third and 4th and were charting to avoid. On my grandparents' 50 wedding anniversary, I realized my past week had been incredibly emotional and that I was due for my period. When I realized what day it was, I thought, "Well, I must be pregnant with those twins now, because she'd never let me get away with just one!"

     I even went so far as to declare twins to my friends and family long before our first ultrasound. I was too weird to happen any other way.

    At our 6w u/s my tech asked if I was surprised and I was very happy to say, "No, not really!" Our twins are spontaneous and I heard that twins run in the family, so I guess it all lined up with Grandma's plan!

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  • I have always wanted twins and even came up with different sets of twin names when we got married.  My mom was just like, "Why are you even thinking about twins!?"  Since there are no twins in my family.  When I went for my first appointment at 13 weeks and heard only one heartbeat, in my head I was thinking, I guess there really is only one in there.  I accepted it and even joked with a cousin of mine, "can you imagine all that time thinking you're having one baby and then finding out it's twins? What a shock!"  Three days later I went for my first u/s and found out there were actually two babies!
  • Not a clue!  My sister was 4 months pregnant with twins, but it still never crossed my mind that I would have twins.  At my 6 week ultrasound, the doctor did not see a heartbeat and thought it looked 5 days behind,so she sent me for a dating ultrasound.  I was sure I would miscarry the pregnancy.  At 7w2d, I had another ultrasound and two babies, two heartbeats, measuring right on track!
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  • imageMrsLee04:
    Nope. I didn't even "know" I was pg before I knew. And I had done IVF so I knew very well that I could be pg and that I could have twins. Still didn't "know."

    This is me exactly! 

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  • It never crossed my mind, we found out at 7wk 4d with the ultrasound
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  • I had a dream the night before my first u/s that I was having twins. My u/s picture looked the same as in my dream. 
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  • Nope no idea had higher beta but just thought had a good sticky baby. I had 1 follicle I was told I guess they were wrong and the small ones grew quick. 
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  • Yes! On my way to my egg transfer I saw some signs- moms walking with twins and I always had the gut feeling I'd have 2 at once being a teacher I thought I could run home like a classroom :-) then I had 2 to transfer and that's it- it was meant to be! 

  • I kinda do have a feeling... but that could either mean something or nothing. Ya know?


    All these answers REALLY help though.  

  • This might be a dumb question, but is an early positive on a HPT a usual symptom? 'Cause I got a positive about 5 days before my missed period.
  • About a week before going to my first appt and about 3 weeks before my first ultrasound one of my close friends and I joked around and I kept saying to her, What if it's twins? I think it's twins.

    She laughed and asked why I thought that and even though I had no legit reason she agreed it would be crazy.

    Needless to say... The ultrasound confirmed that it was indeed twins. And in case you were wondering, thinking it was twins before the confirmation did not soften the blow, at all!

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  • we joked that it could be since I was really really sick early on - lots of MS.

    Since I had no MS with my son, we were like "it's probably a girl - or even 2 girls''

    In any case, we were shocked beyond belief because we hadn't done any fertility drugs or anything like that. 

    Ultimately, although we had joked, we seriously were in SHOCK! 

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