I posted about this on my birth-month board and the BF earlier in the week, but I just realized that there was an allergy board.
Besides today my LO had blood in his stool 3 times. Once during week 2 or 3 of life, then then twice during the last 2 weeks. Just a tiny bit. He has no other symptoms of an allergy (happy, no skin issues, not gassy, eats fine, etc.) When I brought him in two weeks ago they said if if keeps happening eliminate dairy. (He eats only BM either from me or bottle)
I know it builds up in their system- but I eat/ate A LOT of dairy, so it seems odd to me that it would have taken this long to really cause repeated problems. After the doctor appointment I significantly cut back (stopped drinking 1-2 glass of milk a day, having cheese as snacks and on all my food, eating yogurt everyday for breakfast etc.) to ease myself into the diet. (I've never sucessfully been able to stick to a diet or really needed to.)
Today he's had blood in every poopy diaper, and more than just the specs we're used to, but not an alarming run to the ER amount. I know I've still had some dairy that was part of prepared meals (cooked cream/milk) but since I was cutting back I would have thought that it would a little better not significatly worse. So I was trying to think of what else I've been eating, since I'm not having my staple breakfast of yogurt I've been eating bagels (no milk I checked) with peanut butter and eggs. I've been eating PB all along, but not nearly as much as I have been since cutting out the dairy. I'm wondering if the issue is the PB not the dairy?
I don't know. . . I'm calling the doctor again tomorrow. They didn't run any tests of anything last time I went in- do they run tests on babies? I just hate to "diet" if that's not really the issue (milk or what-not). I'd rather just get right to the bottom on things.
If you read that all thanks! I didn't intend for it to be so long when I started. Any insight would be appreciated.
Re: milk allergy or something else?
My pedi told me when LO was a few weeks old that she thought she may have a milk sensitivity, and that we would just keep an eye on it. LO was very spitty, and fussy. She didn't sleep well. She was super gassy. The pedi had said just try to avoid consuming a ton of dairy to see if that helps. So I would not put milk in my cereal, not have ice cream....that sort of thing.
Then at about 3 months she had blood in her stool. The first time it happened was at night, and then the next morning it happened again. The pedi had us come in, and put me on a strict dairy free diet. I had to avoid all hidden dairy as well as obvious. They sent me home with little test strips to test her poop for blood. The pedi said it may take a while because it was built up in her system, and her intestines are probably inflamed at this point. So the next week we went in, and her test strips were positive. I could see the blood in her diapers so I knew they would be. The next week the same thing. The doctor told me to avoid soy. The next week there was still blood, but it was tiny specks. The following week we were finally blood free.
I was wondering the same as you if it was just milk and soy because I was expecting a dramatic difference quickly. It just took a while for the dairy and soy to eliminate, and for LO's body to recover. I did see an allergist after, and they ran a blood test for peanuts, wheat, and eggs as well. All came back negative. If I were you I would eliminate all dairy, and give it a month.