Hello. I am a couple weeks from turning 39 and i got a pretty unexpected bfp 12 days ago. I have an almost 6 year old dd and a 14 month old ds ( so i am an old hat at this ama thing!). I had some if issues in the past (2 years ttc dd followed by a year of ttc again that ended uo with a m/c at 7 1/2 weeks. Another year or so ttc with a bfp that ended up being my ds. A lot of the ttc involved sucky doctors and clomid. Surprisingly, my ds was.conceived during a clomid break.). I did not do any. of th prenatal testing for either kid.
My husband was deployed twice during this.whole thing, for a total of more than two years. I ttc whwn i can, ya know? Anyway, after ds was born i was prety sure that given my history and age he. would be my last. I onlu had four ppafs after his birth (i am actually still breastfeeding) and my normally very regular long ish.cycles were getting shorter each time, so i was concerned that i was hotting perimenopause and runningout of time to even give it a shot. So this.most recent cycle starting 5-5, i paid attention to cm(charting was out of question due to the factthat ds still is up at night a lot) and tried to.dtd periodically. Never ever expe ting it to work. It did though..and here i am. Now i all worried b/c it is.still so early ((i think i am 5w4d but it is guessy) and my eggs may be bad and thos.vould be the last shot, and what.am i doing trying to have two babies at a time. I feel incredibly blessed and.lucky that it happened, but worried too. Sorry for the novel, but nobody irl knows and i am wound up today. Thanks!
Re: cautious intro here
06.10.12 +HPT 06.12.12 Beta #1 = 2,770 06.14.12 Beta #2 = 6,300
1st U/S 06.18.12 2nd U/S 06.25.12
09.24.12 It's a Boy!! ---> Jacob Owen
Our IF Journey Began: October 2009
**8 Failed IUI's, 1 Blighted Ovum, & 1 Failed IVF**
Dx: MFI, DOR w/MTHFR Homozygous A1298C & Hypothyroidism
03.2012 Lab Results: FSH 6.83 AMH 0.67 TSH 3.8 E2 17
SA 156 million 93% motility 3% morphology
**~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~**