I know names tend to be more popular in some areas as opposed to others...
But I love the name Coraline, Coraline Mae to be exact. It seems to be growing in popularity on TB, so how many Cora's do you know, and where do you live?
I live in a small town in NorthWest Indiana, and my DD is Sophie. There is not another Sophie and only one Sophia (so far) in the school system. I have not met any Cora's.
Re: How popular is Cora & where do you live?
Henry Cavill...You're welcome!
BFP #3: EDD 1/10/13 **DS born 12/30/12!!!**
BFP #2: MC 7/2/11 @ 12 weeks
**Missing our February '12 LoveBug**
BFP #1: MMC discovered on 12/6/10
Sophia is in the top 10 in my state; Cora is not even in the top 100. I have met a few little girls named Sophie or Sophia, but I've never met a little Cora. I really like both names.
Baby Girl Lennon born sleeping 6-18-11 Baby Boy Anderson born healthy and happy 8-17-12
That's Coral, not Cora. I'm embarrassed to know this
I don't know any IRL, even though it's mentioned on TB a lot. Coraline also reminds me of the creepy Pixar movie. I like Caroline loads better.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
1/12/13 DD was born
4/9/16 DS was born
9/17 CP
6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19
It's not popular in the midwest, at least that I've heard!
Same here. Most of my friends have at least one girl under 5.
You can look up the top 100 by state here: https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/state/index.html
Awesome, thanks for the responses ladies! Thanks for the site BlueStarBaby
ill check it out.
PP- Olivia Wild!! I think of Tron as well
I've never seen the Tim Burton movie, and actually forgot about it until mentioned...
Thanks again for the input-
Big sister meeting little brother for the first time-
<a href="http://s326.photobucket.com/albums/k409/YellowMiles/?action=view
My 2 year old is Cora, and she's the only one I know so far. We're in Chicago. I do feel like I hear it talked about quite often on here, though, and it jumped up quite a bit on the SSA list this year, so it's definitely becoming more popular.
I know of quite a few Sophia's, only one Cora. Very pretty name!
ETA: I live in Michigan, but the Cora I knew was from when I lived in Ohio.
I live in the Mid-Atlantic and am from the NE. I just named my daughter Cora and we picked it because we didn't know of any others. Sophie and Sophia are both EXTREMELY popular in this area....I know at least three of each (all under 5).
Both my mother and sister work in schools (2 different schools in two different towns) in the NE and between the 2 of them they only know 1 Cora..and she is about ten years old.