Baby Names

How popular is Cora & where do you live?

I know names tend to be more popular in some areas as opposed to others...

But I love the name Coraline, Coraline Mae to be exact. It seems to be growing in popularity on TB, so how many Cora's do you know, and where do you live?

I live in a small town in NorthWest Indiana, and my DD is Sophie. There is not another Sophie and only one Sophia (so far) in the school system. I have not met any Cora's. 

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Re: How popular is Cora &amp;amp; where do you live?

  • Sophie and Cora are plentiful in my area....but if you love Cora go for it! 

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  • ZimgerZimger member
    It's kind of middle of the road here. There aren't alot of little girls...more middle aged women. But I have a feeling it's going to get more popular over the next few years as it is a family name here and family names are used quite a bit.
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  • Sophia is in the top 10 in my state; Cora is not even in the top 100. I have met a few little girls named Sophie or Sophia, but I've never met a little Cora. I really like both names.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

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  • The only Cora I know is actually about 16. I don't know any little girl Coras. I love it :) However, Coraline just reminds me of the Tim Burton movie. I'd maybe stick to Cora or Coralie.
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  • I do not know any Cora's. The only one I 'know' at all is the girl that was on the Real World and did a bunch of the Challenge shows on MTV

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  • JMTTCJMTTC member
    I know lots of Sophie's but I have yet to meet a Cora.  I think the name is beautiful and it goes well with Sophie, also a beautiful name.  
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  • imageSayAnything84:
    I do not know any Cora's. The only one I 'know' at all is the girl that was on the Real World and did a bunch of the Challenge shows on MTV

    That's Coral, not Cora. I'm embarrassed to know this :) I don't know any IRL, even though it's mentioned on TB a lot. Coraline also reminds me of the creepy Pixar movie. I like Caroline loads better.

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  • love the name.  Don't know any personally.
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  • I don't know anybody named Cora, but I feel like I hear the name discussed a lot among women who are growing families. I think it's lovely and that it makes a cute sibset with Sophie.
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  • I know 1 Cora IRL and she is about 7 yrs old. Love the name!
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  • I know zero IRL but the name comes up on these boards a lot so I am staying away for now. I live in the Midwest.
    DD 9/15/12
  • I don't know any Cora's in real life. It is not in the top 100 for Fl. I love Cora and am thinking about it if I have another girl. It makes me think of Cat Cora, the Iron Chef girl. Oh and Cora is the chicks name in the new Tron movie, I love her (13 from House, I can never remember her name IRL)
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  • I haven't met one in Portland yet, but DH's cousin has one. They live in Ohio.
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  • I live in Alabama, and I've never met a Cora/Coraline/Coralie of any age.
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  • I only know of one Cora; she is 4.   I'm in Durham, NC.  Love the name!  The girl I know is a close co-workers so unfortunately it's off my list :(

          DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13



  • I'm in northern CA and have only met one Cora (short for Corazon)... but she's 50+ so I don't know if that counts :) Very pretty name!
  • I've met quite a few Sophias but not any Coras. I live in Tampa, FL.

  • I live in Michigan and know 1 Cora who is 2ish.  FWIW I think it is a great name.
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  • It's not popular in the midwest, at least that I've heard!

  • We're in PA.  I know of 3 Coras.  1 is her in 20's and the other two are under 5 yrs old.
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  • I'm in the NE and have never met a Cora.
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  • imagegretch1020:
    I'm in the NE and have never met a Cora.

    Same here.  Most of my friends have at least one girl under 5.  

    You can look up the top 100 by state here:

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  • milescmilesc member

    I'm in the NE and have never met a Cora.

    Same here.  Most of my friends have at least one girl under 5.  

    You can look up the top 100 by state here:


    Awesome, thanks for the responses ladies! Thanks for the site BlueStarBaby Smile ill check it out.

    PP- Olivia Wild!! I think of Tron as well Wink I've never seen the Tim Burton movie, and actually forgot about it until mentioned...

    Thanks again for the input- 

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  • I have never met a Cora, but I love it.  I live in NC.
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  • erbearerbear member
    I've taught one Cora in 14 years.
    "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies. God damn it, you've got to be kind." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • I have yet to come across a Cora of any variety, and I worked in schools for 4 years. I haven't come across any Sophies, but lots and lots of Sophias. 
  • I know two Cora's (1 middle-aged and 1 baby) as well as at least one other mom interested in using the name for their next child if they have a girl. I live in the mid-Atlantic. It's a pretty name... not overly popular here, but definitely "in" right now.
  • I've met a million Sophie/Sophia's in my time, but never a Cora. I live in the Northeast. I think it's a beautiful name and it's at the top of my list if I have another girl in the future.
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  • I'm in Western NY and only know 1 Cora who is 6 years old.  It doesn't seem to be a popular name around here but I love it and the Cora I know is the cutest little girl!
  • AwBethAwBeth member
    I love in southern IN, and I only know one Cora.  She's about 3 and goes to preschool with my older daughter. LOVE this name! 
  • I live in NYC area and work in a high school.  I have never met a Cora and don't have any students named Cora

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  • My 2 year old is Cora, and she's the only one I know so far. We're in Chicago. I do feel like I hear it talked about quite often on here, though, and it jumped up quite a bit on the SSA list this year, so it's definitely becoming more popular.

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  • I know of quite a few Sophia's, only one Cora.  Very pretty name!

    ETA: I live in Michigan, but the Cora I knew was from when I lived in Ohio.

    Anniversary DS was born 11/30/12... so in love :)
  • I'm in MI and have not met a Cora. It is on our short list... I love it!
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  • I know of two...I live in NY.
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  • I live in the Mid-Atlantic and am from the NE.  I just named my daughter Cora and we picked it because we didn't know of any others.  Sophie and Sophia are both EXTREMELY popular in this area....I know at least three of each (all under 5). 

    Both my mother and sister work in schools (2 different schools in two different towns) in the NE and between the 2 of them they only know 1 Cora..and she is about ten years old.



  • erjarverjarv member
    I was at a preschool graduation for a friend's daughter a couple weeks ago and there were 3 Cora's in that class alone. I live in Virginia Beach. 
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