Hi - Followup question to your response on my Solids/Bottle question. You said your twins are taking 7-8 ounces each feeding.....How often do they eat? My boys are only taking 5 ounces each bottle, every 3 hours during the day. ARe yours having bottles every 3 hours? Mine seem to only want the 5 oz and then are ready to eat again 2.5-3 hours later....
Re: **MNHeidi***
About a month ago, I upped their intake and so now we eat every 4 hrs. I try REALLY hard to make it 7, 11, 3 and 7 so they end up with their last bottle as part of bedtime ritual.
They usually make it 4 hours. They used to spit the bottle out if they were done and around 5 mos, they just ate and ate and ate so I went for more ounces.
Your little ones sound like they're getting the same amount as mine just more frequent feedings. Don't be surprised - as they're bellies get bigger and digestive system develops, they'll be able to put more down in one setting. For us, it literally happend in a span of 2-3 days.