We moved his crib today. We meant to do it a month ago, but it never worked out--the crib is too wide to scoot through the doorways so we have to disassemble it.
He is asleep right now in his big boy room, and I am a mixture of sadness and pride. I feel like this has been the fastest 6 months of my life, and by far the best.
Re: LO's first night in his own room
Success After Losses. I carry your
How did it go??
My husband and I bought a monitor a few days ago and last night I was ready to try A in her bedroom in her crib after her 1st waking. She always go back into the pack n play easily after that first waking so I thought it would be a good way to get a few hours of crib time in without it being too upsetting.
She was completely out when I put her in the crib. It was excellent.
I walked to our room, turned the video monitor on and saw she was thrashing her arms a little. Then she stopped but her eyes were WIDE open. This was followed by screaming, the monitor being turned off, A being rocked back to sleep and brought back to our room to be put into her pack n play for 3 more hours of sleep.