My DS is now in his 4th week coming up on 5 and has not done a poop since Thursday. Ive been looking on the messages boards and see ways to try and make them poop. Ive tried bicycle legs to no luck. My DH and DM both googled it separately and both came back with it is perfectly normal for a month old to go a few days without pooping.
My question is has your LO ever gone a few days with out and then gone back to an every day poop? He does a pee just fine and seems to trump fine as well. Each time he trumps i check for a poop but so far no luck.
If there is still no poop by Monday i will be calling his pediatrician.
Re: Baby=No poop in last Day and a half
Yep. They can go several days without pooping. No big deal.
Breast fed babies can go a week.
Dont do this. If youre that worried, call your pediatrician.
OP, please do not put any herbs up your LOs butt.
My DS stopped pooping daily around 3 weeks. He now goes about every 3-4 days (but has gone as long as 6 days without). I was really freaked out at first, but my pediatrician assured me it was fine. And when he goes....its definitely several days worth in the diaper!
We just went through this hour cranky days with no poop. I finally took collace the night before and the next morning "took" his temp rectally a few times. Then he had three VERY large poops and has pooped normal the next two days.
If your. lo is not fussy don't worry I only was trying to make him go because he was very unhappy and gassy and in pain.
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