DD1 broke our very old monitor and I currently am in need of a new one. I've always wanted a video monitor but never wanted to shell out the $. This one is on Amazon for $99 and the reviews look pretty good. Just wondering what you ladies think, if you have it.
(Also posted on 12-24)
Re: Anyone have the Infant Optics DXR-5 monitor?
We have it. We actually had to replace our old Summer Infant (that I loved) and we got this one off Amazon for $99 as well.

It's pretty good; I can't complain. As far as comparison to the old monitor, it doesn't zoom or pan at all, and the plastic is very lightweight, but for $99 you can't beat it.
Don't forget to take the lenscap off the camera once you set it up. I was pissed and thought it was broken for a minute.
Yup, the volume is good - it goes to 9, but I usually have ours on 2 because of the sound machine.
I only have one camera, but that sounds cool!
Do your DD's really share a birthday and that day is today? If so, that is awesome! Happy Birthday weekend!