Formerly: "I shouldn't have been so cocky about my popcorn".
My walk-in liquor store didn't have their machine out today. Bastards. So I bought my beer (this one: Then I got in the car and was sad. Then I thought about the Pampers board controversy and giggled. Then I drove to the other liquor store w/a popcorn machine and it wasn't out either (at least THESE guys are consistent with refusing rewards). Then there was a Taco Bell next door and I thought of UrsulaUrsula's feelings and I bought a Doritos Locos Tacos box for dinner. TO SPLIT WITH THE BABY.
Back in the day when I had my first child and she was under one, the above post would've made my head explode with judgment. How far I've fallen.
Re: I ate Taco Bell for dinner. Doritos Locos Tacos = good. How long can we make these titles? Anybody k
The baby has learned to say "***". It means a variety of things. She says it ALL the time. She also says "butt". A lot.
My Blog
And I'm not even DRUNK yet.
I thought those Doritos tacos sounded awful. I'm a hippy crunchy granola girl AND a Taco Bell lovin' beer guzzlin' popcorn chaser. Hubs ordered one for me one day and I'm SO glad he did. I do so loves me some Taco Bell.
My Blog
Now I want taco bell nachos.