I figured we didn't have enough "s/o" posts.
So, speaking of potlucks, do you eat food that others have prepared at potlucks? Is there ever a time that you do not eat the food?
I hate potlucks. I don't like not knowing what someone put into their recipe and typically potluck food comes in casserole form and there is just way too much guessing in that for me. I also don't know what their kitchen looks like. At least at a restaurant I know they are evaluated periodically. Someone could let their cat crap all over a counter for all I know and never wipe it up.
Potlucks freak me out. I almost never eat at them.
Re: S/O Potlucks
I treat them like a buffet. I just don't do it.
I'm not quite that paranoid about it, but I do avoid anything that looks suspicious.
My mom wanted me to do a potluck for our wedding reception! Can you imagine? Thank God DH has severe food allergies, so she had no ground to stand on.
I'm picky, but I'll eat some stuff.
I will eat any dessert that looks yummy.
At work, one of our employees brings in homemade tamales from her mom. I will eat those. And I'll eat food that my secretary makes because she's fabulous. Also, anything storebought.
I try to avoid casseroles, if at all possible.
Oh, and I'm assuming you mean work or other semi-public pot lucks. My family and DH's family both have pot luck dinners all the time and I don't think twice about that.
I don't even trust family, ha.
Okay, well maybe a select few.
I would have developed severe food allergies if my mom suggested such a thing.
Depends on who is providing the potlucks.
There is nothing more delicious in this world than a Homecoming potluck at my childhood church.
But I get really squeamish when DH's office does potluck.
This I am okay with. It is the covered mystery dishes that make me gag.
I have severe potluck paranoia! Sorry to rub off on you. I just get really freaked out by germs and others preparing my food. I am a crazy person when it comes to cleanliness. I always worry about washing hands, dropping food, etc..It makes me twitchy not knowing if the person who prepared the food is into good hygiene and a clean work space. ha.
The first year I worked here, we had an older secretary who said she was bringing deviled eggs. I told her how excited I was because I loved deviled eggs.
Two days before, she developed a cough. And didn't cover her mouth. And then it got worse. By the day of, we practically wanted her to get checked for TB. And I couldn't get out of eating those damned deviled eggs.
I hate deviled eggs now.
IKR? She and my dad (divorced) had several interesting ideas on how to cut down costs. Most of our guests were coming from out of town too. Like 2+ hours out of town. How the heck was that supposed to work.
My dad's suggestion to ask everyone to pitch in $20 or so on the invite was the best though. I love my parents.
Hold the phone. Did you eat them anyway?
I would have faked an illness to get out of eating that. I am shuttering at the thought of phlegmy eggs.
I typically avoid casseroles, just because I'm a really picky eater. People put onion in everything, and I can't eat it (messes with my stomach).
I'd much prefer a sandwich platter, some fruit, and some cookies TYVM.
I went to a friend's once, and was a bout to pick up a deviled egg, then upon inspection I noticed it was COVERED in white dog hair. Like a whole little tuft of hair. It was gross. I threw it out and didn't care to be discreet. I went home hungry.
This is what I do. I always feel bad so I fill my plate up and discreetly trash what I can when I can.
That is a super awkward sitch. I guess I would have had to do the same. I probably would have tried to make myself vom later though, just to be on the safe side.
Also true.
Although you do remember my post yesterday about eating three egg salad sandwiches though, right? I'm a hor for egg salad/deviled eggs.
Hah! I'm sorry! I am pushing my paranoia onto others now. I am just ten kinds of skeeved by them.
Chances are the majority of things at a potluck are just fine to consume.
*whistles out of thread*
Eek! How did you obtain this information? Was this a patient of yours?
I fuuuuucking love potlucks.
Unless it is all savory foods or some dumshiit forgets to bring their assigned dessert.
Ruins the flow of the 'luck, dudes.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Oh jeez.
I had a coworker like that one time. We started to suspect she was a pill popper too. She would always miss the same day of every month at work, we figured that was when her shipment came in, ha. She would go all TMI about her current "ailments", it was disgusting and weird.
I'm thinking this may be the same lady. Older blonde lady with crazy eyes and too much makeup?
No, ours was Pam. Bummer.
I bet they are related though.
I love potlucks too! However, there is one person in our office that you need to be in line before and know what they brought so you can avoid it. Everyone else here is pretty close and clean, so it doesn't bother me. I do avoid the casseroles though, just because they are usually nasty mush by the time lunch rolls around.
OMG. I totally missed the rectal bleeder bringing red velvet cake.
I kind of just file in wherever I can. Since I don't usually eat it, it doesn't matter much to me either way. If the food is store bought though I dig in, typically. I try to get in line for that first if I can.
My fear of germs is ridic.
How do you have social anxiety? You seem pretty chatty and straight to the point on here!!