
fix my broken toddler

so the past two days he's been on a sleep strike which strikes utter fear in my soul. HOWEVER he falls asleep in the car in 10 minutes flat. 

today, we tried napping at our normal time, noon. no go fought for an hour. so I put a movie on (low key stimulation) and tried again at 1:30. no go. at 3 i said f?ck it and loaded him into the car to go to the park. out like a light in 10 minutes and he slept until I WOKE HIM UP at 5. the only reason I woke him up is bc I want him to sleep for the night before, you know, midnight.  

 CIO doesn't work. he has cried for an hour, no sleeping to be had. sleep lady shuffle doesn't work at nap time, he just plays even though there are no toys in his room. 

Halp me.  he obviously needs this sleep even though my brain dead husband is all "maybe he only needs a few hours of sleep a night" yea, shut up f?cker.  

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Re: fix my broken toddler

  • Wait. It's not normal to have problems putting them down for a nap? I gave up on that over a year ago. We take naps however we can get them. Lying on the sofa watching TV, driving in the car - although now that it's 105+, we can't leave the car running for 2 hours, so we have to move him in the house, walking him in the stroller. Basically, whatever it takes or whatever works. 
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  • If biting a biter teaches them not to bite, I suggest you knock him out with ether and take a nap yourself. 


    You know me. You know I got nuthin'.  

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  • he's always been a sh?tty sleeper but naps were always easy. 

    i hate that word, were.  

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  • imagegrr_aargh:

    If biting a biter teaches them not to bite, I suggest you knock him out with ether and take a nap yourself

    sounds like a plan to me.  

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  • I used to have a great night-sleeper and a crappy napper. I now have a crappy-all-around sleeper. If I had a choice, I'd go with crappy naps and great nights. Sadly, I don't have a choice.

    Sorry I don't have any advice. I know what you mean, though. Mac can withstand just about anything (CIO, sleep lady shuffle) for an hour or two in the daytime.  

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  • imageamys325:
    When we need to put our little one down, we just lock her in her crate.
    See? Best advice so far!
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  • imageamys325:
    When we need to put our little one down, we just lock her in her crate.

    Sadly, my LO doesn't fit in the cat crate.  Sucks, too, because I don't want to have to buy another. 


  • imageamys325:
    When we need to put our little one down, we just lock her in her crate.

    i tried this and all he did was piss in a corner. then I smacked him with a newspaper and CPS showed up.  

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  • DD2 will not nap if I try to put her down before 2pm or she will lay there playing in her crib for an hour before falling asleep. She will usually sleep until 4 or 5pm and then is in bed asleep by 9pmish. She is just on a later sleep cycle. She normally sleeps in until 8:30m and I don't want to change that. Could you just try to stick with the later naps?
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • I wouldn't mind the later nap and sleep but he still wakes up at 5am. UNACCEPTABLE! lol. i just don't think I have a choice, it's glaringly obvious this boy does what he wants. 


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  • Take the drugs. Stick out tongue Just kidding.

    Sometimes there's nothing you can do but ride out the phase. I've been there and had exhausted every option. It turned from "What can I do to make this child sleep?" to "What can I do for myself so I don't lose it?" 
  • imagenaybride04:


    Our LO's Middle Name is Soleil -it's the first time I've met someone with the same name, although I've heard that somewhere there were some people that used that name!!!! 

  • Duct tape fixes everything! Didn't you know that?
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  • My cousin's son was like that. What worked for her was that when it was nap time and it was too hot to walk outside she would go into her master bedroom, put him in the jogging stroller and sit on the bed pushing it forward and back until it rocked him to sleep. Then she could leave the room and do whatever she needed to until he woke up. It was the only way to get him to nap, but it worked well.
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  • I rely almost exclusively on starting naps in the car when I'm at home with DS. You mean to tell me there's another way?  

    Sorry, I'm not much help. We don't get STTN over here and CIO results were disastrous. 

  • imageAGmomof3:



    Our LO's Middle Name is Soleil -it's the first time I've met someone with the same name, although I've heard that somewhere there were some people that used that name!!!! 

    That's awesome! I've yet to meet anyone IRL with the name. I did come across another mom on here who named her dtr Soleil.....haven't seen her around in a long time though. 
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
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