Baby Names


Thoughts? What does the collective BN board think?

I like the meaning, Champion....and it flows well with last name. Just wanted some other opinions.

We are team green this time around and are still tossing around different names.

DS1 is Henry and if you by chance know me IRL please forget that I ever posted this because DH and I are tight lipped about names.

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Re: Neil

  • I like it well enough, but to be honest I find it a bit boring.  It's probably just a personal association, though.  I know two people with that name, an elderly man and a 20 something guy both of whom are extremely boring.  But, it is a nice name.
  • I never gave it much thought.  I don't love or hate it, it's just a solid respectable name.  The only Neil I ever knew was a few yrs ahead of me in school, so at most I consider it a little 80's.
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  • I love it, and it's on my list as well. In my opinion, it's a great name, and easy for people to recognize and pronounce. It's also way underused, but it's Irish/Scottish/English just like a lot of the really popular names right now.

    I also much prefer this spelling over the N-E-A-L one. It sounds great with Henry-- I say go for it! Yes

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  • I like it, it's my cousin's name who is in his late 30's.  Nice guy.
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  • Not my favorite, just because I have a hard time picturing a little baby with the name.  But it's not crazy common, which is nice...
  • No strong feelings one way or another about Neil. It's nms but I like it more than I dislike it.

  • I like the name. I used to like it more, but FIL is named Neil, so that is all I can associate it with now. But before I knew him, I really liked it! 
  • Thank you all for your responses. I really appreciate the feedback!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Neil is okay for me. I like Niall better and it's similar sounding.

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • Love Neil- I have it on my long list. I like that it's familiar but uncommon, easy to spell, easy to pronounce, and not tied to a particular decade. 

    I like Niall too but feel that it might have some spelling/pronunciation issues.  

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  • Neil seems a bit "70s" to me, but I'm not sure why. I do love Niall though and I think it would go great with Henry. 
  • Love it!
  • I also had a cousin Neal. He was really funny, but he was killed when he wrecked his motorcycle. 
    He had just gotten married, and his new wife survived-- barely. She was in the hospital for a looong time, and she didn't even get to go to his funeral. 
    I think highly of the name, even when spelled differently.
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  • I love the name Neil! It's my brothers name and he is a champion Smile
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