Our first baby is due in September and I'm a little worried about allergies. My wife is perfectly fine, she isn't allergic to anything, but I'm allergic to pretty much everything. I can not have shell fish or diary. We can't have curtains in the house and I can't even visit friends with cats! I take a Benedryl every morning so i can jog outside and make it through the day and I have asthma! Help! Is there anyone out there who has had kids that didn't develop their allergies?
I guess the good thing is if my kid is allergic to some of these things I will know how to help....
Re: A little worried...
Neither I nor DH have any known allergies. But it seems DD is going to be allergic to just about everything also. It just seems like sometimes there is nothing you can do about it or even to prevent it. Sorry.
sorry to hear about your allergies. But if your LO does end up with them, you will be so much more prepared than any of us on here were.
Same as pp, no one in my family or DH's family any allergies and my DS1 has a handful.
My allergist told me that since DS1 has food allergies than DS2 (6 months old) can either have food allergies, seasonal allergies, asthma or nothing at all. He currently has nothing.
I wouldn't stress too much but just be more cautious. Speak to your doc about having some medicine on hand just in case (children's benadryl..)
if your wife is planning on breastfeeding, you can see if your LO is going to react to the food she eats via breastmilk. (don't go by that, but if you find your child is covered in eczema, is itchy, in pain, blood in stool than you know it can possibly be something your wife is eating that your LO is reacting) -i feel like this is the safest way to test since most allergist won't test a child before 6 months or a year.
good luck