Hey, fellow bumpers!
I'd really appreciate some honest and constructive feedback. I know that people either love or hate The Contented Baby books, but I love them. That said, I'm really interested in hearing from parents of multiple toddlers how well the Gina Ford method worked for them with lots of little ones on different schedules.
I used The Contended Baby with DD1 with amazing results. The book's methods worked extremely well for me, and as a new mom, it was a blessing to have such a "contented" little baby. When DD was 18 months, our adoption process that we had started before TTC DD1 came through with newborn DD2, and I have been using the Contented Baby with Toddler book as my go-to reference, and I've been loving it again. DD2 is now 2 months old.
But here's where things get complicated... I just found out I'm pregnant again. That means that little bundle #3 is already well on the way, and will arrive when DD1 is 2 years, and DD2 is about 10 months.
Since The Contented Baby with Toddler is really geared towards an age difference of 18 months plus, I'm wondering if any "baby bunchers" have had any experience using TCB method while baby bunching. While DD1 would likely adjust fine to new scheduling at her age, I think that it would be a shame for DD2 to get off her scheduling when FC arrives because I really want to follow the method all the way through.
Please let me know what your experiences have been! Thanks so much!
Re: Baby Bunching with The Contented Baby
This. I have no idea what it is.
The Contented Baby books follow a parent-led model for baby scheduling. Gina Ford's TCB system is a set of schedules that start from the first week with a newborn up until their second year, and gives set feeding, napping, and awake times with baby that change every few weeks as the contented baby grows and their capacity for longer wake time, sleep time, and time between feedings slowly becomes greater.
Here's a little more about this kind of scheduling: https://www.babycenter.com/0_parent-led-baby-schedules-baby-wise-gina-ford-and-others_3658361.bc
Baby bunching is another word for 2u2. Here's a blog about it: https://www.babybunching.com/
When #3 is born, I will have 3 children, 2 years or younger. This is considered "baby bunching" to have children so close together. For us, it was accidental because we got DD2 through an adoption from our still open file from before DD1 was even conceived, but many parents choose to have their children as close together as possible to foster the close-knit family feel, etc.
This is where the official "baby bunching" phrase got started, I think: https://www.babybunching.com/baby_bunching/
So I'm guessing the issue is that with a child 18 months or older, you can easily set their schedule around a newborn schedule, because there's less to schedule, food and nap-wise. But with a 10-month-old, there are more feedings and naps to juggle, along with that of a newborn?
Sorry, I have no advice. I was more or less a baby-led parent (though we didn't let him "snack" early on), and I can't imagine trying to force a schedule on a newborn while juggling a 10 month-old and an older kid. Good luck!