So DS will be here in September and DD is not sleeping through the night. I know this is not unusual for a 13 month old but I need some encouragement/ someone to slap me. I let her start sleeping with me when she was 8 months old or so because I was so tired and couldn't face letting her cry at night. She randomly slept through the night (in her crib) twice but it has never happened again. Now I go into her room when she cries, get her out of her crib and we both sleep in the little twin bed that is in there. She is a WILD sleeper, scooting all over, kicking me (and poor little bro), loses her paci constantly, etc... I assume she wakes up at night either because she has lost her paci or has (once again) smacked her head against the side of her crib. When she stays with my mom she has to be put back down 6-8 times. I hate to just let her cry but I don't know what else to do.
Anyway, did anyone else transition from co-sleeping back to crib? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Its my fault...I know
We don't believe in CIO etc but I did want to get my son out of my bed sooner rather than later. We started with napping in the crib (3-4 months), then starting the night in the crib (8-9 months) and then around 12 months we started putting him back in his crib after the first waking but bringing him to bed after more than one waking. By 18 months he was staying in his bed all night with multiple wakings, but those slowly decreased over time. He's currently in a toddler bed and wakes once but goes back to sleep easily (with help). He hasn't asked to come to our bed in over a year.
Also, just wanted to say that our second baby is a wonderful sleeper and has been STTN since she was a few weeks old. So having an older one that doesn't isn't necessarily the death sentence it seems to be.
Our big crutch was night nursing. Once I was able to cut out night nursings around 11.5 months with DD1, it gave her less to wake up for. I liked the "No Cry Sleep Solution."
Have you tried putting a ton of pacifiers in the crib, so she can easily find them? DD1 was a paci monster and was good about finding them and sticking them back in, but she usually had at least 5 strategically placed around the crib. Honestly, if that doesn't help cut down on waking for the paci, you might want to wean her off of them. You'll probably have a few rough nights (we sure did, when we weaned DD1 at 22 months), but it would be worth getting the extra sleep in the end.
Does she have a bumper on her crib? I used a breathable one with both girls, but DD2 bumped her head a lot on the solid wood side of her crib. I lowered her mattress all of the way and put a plush bumper on that side and that has drastically cut down on any head bumping.
Both of my kids were crappy sleepers for the first 14 months or so, so I feel your pain. Good luck with the sleep training. You'll both feel better in the end.
I would really suggest the Baby Whisperer. It will help you get your DD get out of your bed and falling asleep in her crib. It does it in progression so your DD will get used to it and it's non CIO. I did full-on CIO when I was ready and when I knew DD would respond to it. It was very nice to wait until both of us were ready.