Many of you knew that husband and I recently had a positive pregnancy test after getting 3 of our adopted embryos transferred....Well, we had our first post-transfer ultrasound Monday at 6weeks and found out we are having TWINS!! We got to see both their heart beats as well.
I cannot stress enough what a miracle embryo adoption is. We were hoping for at least one but God blessed us with 2...maybe its because we have waited so long!
My blog has all the ultrasound pictures. Thanks for all the support thus far! I wish you all luck in whichever endeavor you choose!
Re: Embryo Adoptions Success
Thank you! on 30 some weeks to go now
TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI
Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption
Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!
Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues:
Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???
Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013
Congratulations! Two embryo adoption posts in one day! We are on a waiting list right now to pursue this.
If you don't mind, I am going to send you a private message. Thanks!
Congrats! I was guessing twins for you.
Be sure to join the Multiples board. I have twins too, so see you over there also.
H&H 9 months to you and your 2 little beans!
Thanks to all of you guys!! And yes, if just dawned on me last night that I should join the multiples board! And start researching about carrying twins -
Congrats! Have a H&H 9 months!
Congrats! Have a H&H 9 months!