She's relatively pleasant but DD takes forever to eat. I've been sitting here for 45 minutes! She pushes every button she can think of: sliding down in her chair, turning around, singing, asking assanine questions, you name it. If I tell her she's out of time she takes a bite. She eats almost nothing(I know- a common problem at dinner for this age). Tonight I cut her off and put her to bed. I guess I know that I should cut her off, but after how long? Should I put her to bed when she's that uncooperative? It seems like letting her get up from the table to play after being a p.i.t.a. sends the wrong message.
Re: Time limit on meals?
We have this problem too -
I have a speed eater my 21 mo old- and a slow poke- my 4yr old.
I won't let ANY meal go longer than 25 minutes. I set the kitchen timer clock and when it beeps- We are done.
We are a bit more relaxed about meals in the sense that DS can eat a little bit here and there. DS tends to eat smaller meals throughout the day anyways. I totally think that 3 meals a day is for convience purposes only and not naturally how our bodies should eat. If DS only eats a few bites when we are eating I will just save it. If we play outside and are super busy before bed and then he says he is hungry we let him finish his dinner. It also depends what else he eats throughout the day whether or not he will be hungry.
Most meals/days my son is a very slow eater... mostly b/c he talks non stop. Some days I am frustrated at how long it takes to get through a meal. I know it's not a bad thing to eat slowly, but we sometimes have other things to do.
We try to get him to understand that if he eats well (ie: quickly) he will get to play. If he takes a very long time than he will have less playtime. Sometimes I will make a big deal of DD being done, getting to play, etc.
I would say if she is playing at the table than she leaves, or eats somewhere else. I have put DS on a stool in the kitchen, away from the rest of us, if he is goofy around.
I love these two beautiful children!
This exactly!
I had to do this with both my kids. Use a timer and give her a reasonable time (like, 25-30 minutes.) Give her a 10 minute and 5 minute warning. Then take the plate away and offer no 2nd chances or snacks. Don't send her to bed or punish her. Just say "dinner's over! go play!' Don't feel bad about it if she's a little hungry later. She'll get over it and learn to be less of a spazz while eating. Seriously, it'll only take one or two times before she "gets it."
Learning to stay on task and eat a meal efficiently is really important before kindergarten.