I am having so much trouble choosing below. We are not sure if it is a boy or a girl, so we have a few picked out:
Hayden Elan Vigderman
Hayden Ella Vigderman
Harper Elan Vigderman
Harper Emme Vigderman
Hayden Noa Vigderman
Hayden Ayla Vigderman
Brody Ethan Vigderman
Caden Dylan Vigderman
Caden Eli Vigderman
Or any other suggestions? We need an A, D or E middle name
Re: Help!! I am so indecisive!
I like Brody.
Make a pregnancy ticker
Hayden is a boy's name. Harper is NMS but way better than Hayden imo. I like Ayla the best of your girl names.
Ethan is my favourite of the boy names you have. Brody is ok I guess...I prefer Brady though. Actually, I think I like Hayden for a boy better than Caden or Brody.
Georgia 3/15/2012 Matilda 6/12/2014 TWINS!! Babies 3&4 EDD 11/22/2016
Girls: I like Emme most.
Boys: I like Eli or Ethan most.
Emme Harper or Ayla Hayden , even though those aren't on your list. Ayla is gorgeous for a little girl. I have a little cousin named Hayden (boy) so I think boy.
I don't like any of your boy first names. I like Ethan, Dylan, or Elias nn Eli.
I'm REALLY tired of all the -aden names, so that makes me not really like any of the combos on your list. I second the vote for Noa Harper - I think that's beautiful! If I had to choose from your actual choices though:
Harper Emme
Caden Eli
Remember that any child whose name is Hayden, Braden, Caden, Jayden, Aiden, etc. is going to be one of MANY in their generation with those names..