Baby Names

Boy name clicky poll:

Re: Boy name clicky poll:

  • I'm partial to Graham but like both names. I think Harrison Graham flows nicely, FWIW. 
    BFP #1 6/3/10 | EDD 2/5/11 | Noelle born 1/28/11
    BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
    BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
    "And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
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  • You could also do Graham Harrison :)


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  • I prefer Harrison, all I think of when I hear Graham is Graham Cracker.
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  • I voted for Harrison because I think Graham gets pronounced strangely in the South. We're also in the South and people seem to be confused on whether it is "Gram" or "Gray-um." 
  • imageHeyJune:
    I voted for Harrison because I think Graham gets pronounced strangely in the South. We're also in the South and people seem to be confused on whether it is "Gram" or "Gray-um." 

    Ha, I never thought about that.  I was born and raised in Alabama but I don't have a southern accent.  But you're right, I bet we get a lot of "Gray-um"s from people if we go with this one  :)


  • I like Harrison better with Jack.  Jack-and-Graham sounds....forced.  It's harder to say.
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  • I like Graham Harrison a lot!  Both names are really nice!

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
    BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
    BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
    BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
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  • imagejlsimon56:
    I like Harrison better with Jack.  Jack-and-Graham sounds....forced.  It's harder to say.

    I agree with this.  Although I personally am leaning towards Graham, it does not sound well with Jack  :( 

  • imagejlsimon56:
    I like Harrison better with Jack.  Jack-and-Graham sounds....forced.  It's harder to say.

    I agree with this.  Although I personally am leaning towards Graham, it does not sound well with Jack  :( 

  • Ha these are my two brothers' names!  I love them both! :)  
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