I think I just got pretty lucky. I paid $100 for this lightly used stash (and some unopened!). We were going to go with GMD prefolds anyway, so you can imagine my surprise when this popped up last night.
29 orange newborn
24 yellow small, 5 small unbleached
11 flats, yellow edge small
11 larger unbleached, 13x18 inches... I can't seem to find these on the GMD site? I may just be going crazy.
12 (I think, haven't opened it yet) package of what I have determined to be the old GMD green edge "infant" size, back when they just had infant and standard. It seems that these are essentially size "orange and a half," between orange and yellow. Correct me if I'm wrong, especially since I'm planning on using these on a newborn, who I don't expect to be TOO tiny, but still. They're about 12x16 unwashed.
1 Snappi
2 small BG pockets, I think; these must be fairly old, but seem to be in fine used condition regardless!
3 Flip covers
3 newborn Prorap covers
2 small Prorap covers
1 big wetbag and a trash can/wet pail
One perk to me is that almost all of them are fully prepped and ready to go (after I wash them myself, of course). But here's my question: for the ones that have some staining, can I get away with sunning them for a while first, and then washing them? Or would it help or just make more sense if they were freshly washed and wet when I hang them in the sun? I'm not sure if it matters. I'm thinking of running everything through 2 full hot washes, maybe the first with some bleach... does that sound right?
I feel like we're pretty set for the first many months of diapering. The Flip covers confuse me, mainly because I've never looked into them! haha, that's a lot of snaps, but I got the hang of it. We have 2 newborn covers that were given to us as shower gifts. I may pick up a couple more covers in different sizes/brands for variety. I was originally going to get 3 dozen newborn and yellow prefolds but I think I can easily make do with what's here. My guess is this might take us to 10 months or so, very loosely speaking, based on size estimates on the GMD site. Might grab some red or brown edge down the road.
Please correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong. I'm kind of confused about the size of these larger unbleached ones. I'm open to any washing/sanitizing suggestions for the diapers, covers, and BG's since I'm new to all of this! I'm pretty happy and relieved to have all of this at once and not have to worry about paying to prep them all in the washer or spending all day boiling them.
Re: Craigslist treasure! I made out like a bandit, but I have some questions!
Wow you did make out like a bandit! Those GMD's are like gold in diaper land, I can't believe you got such a good deal! Congratulations on your find!
I'd say you definitely have enough prefolds/flats to last you the first few months with washing every other day or every third day. (I don't go more than 2 days because it starts to stink and it's harder to get that stink out).
As far as sanitizing and getting out the stains goes, I would definitly wash them with bleach first. You can never be sure what might have come into contact with those diaps. Washing them once (on hot) with bleach and then once (on hot) with detergent with an extra rinse or two should be fine. I strip my used diaps in RLR but I don't think it's really "necessary" unless they seem to be in questionable condition. Definitely sun them while they're wet. You can squeeze a little lemon juice directly onto the stains before you sun them to help get them out.
After I line-dry my prefolds/flats I throw them in the dryer for about 5 minutes to fluff them up. Makes them nice and soft
Hopet his helps!! And seriously congrats again on your find. Amazing!
"Understanding this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation. For prophecy came not by the will of man at any time: but the holy men of God spoke, inspired by the Holy Ghost." Peter 2:1:20
I think even if it's not necessary, I may just do a cycle with bleach to make myself feel better, since I don't think it can hurt. They smell very clean but some of these stains creep me out; not that they're bad, just like... specks of stuff. haha. But honestly I doubt they were used long enough to encounter many issues, I didn't see the mom but her husband said she gave up pretty quickly. Hopefully I won't suffer the same fate!
I'm so happy about this find. Going by the presence of the discontinued size, their kiddo is probably a few years old and the family was getting ready to move (i had to get them TODAY if I wanted them) so my guess is that they were just eager to get rid of them and not have to bother with it. Totally understandable, but man, I did some really quick math and just after the orange and yellow ones, I've already saved $4 and the effort of prepping!
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