Cloth Diapering

New FBs?

Haven't lurked here in a while, so I don't know if this has been discussed. I have a mix of Made in China (old) and Made in Turkey (new) FB diapers. The Turkey diapers suck. Poorly sewn elastic in the leg, rough fleece, sticky PUL (I hate sticky PUL!). I decided that I would not buy any more FBs. But now they have the Elite diapers. Anyone try these? Are they better than the Turkey diapers?


bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

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Re: New FBs?

  • I don't know where they're currently made, but I have 3 elites solids and 1 of the elite in blue whale print. The 3 solids have sticky PUL (but I like them otherwise) and the print has smooth, non-sticky PUL. They look smaller than my other one size diapers though.
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  • My OS Elite was made in Turkey and I hate it!  Sticky PUL and rough fleece.
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