
Don't know what to do about DS.

DS has had a cough/runny nose for a couple months.  He has been to the Dr., and we just have to let it run its course.  To top it off, his "eye" teeth are coming in.  He is not sleeping well and seems to be increasingly attached to us.  He is 18 months.  He is waking up at night, which he never used to do, and he will not go to sleep on his own.  We have to rock him, and when we lay him down in bed (after he is completely asleep), he usually wakes up and cries. 

We have tried to let him cry it out, but recently he has started getting so upset that he starts coughing and then throws up over and over.  He has done this 4 times in the past week.  We have tried to reach him before he throws up, but last night he did it when I was in the room trying to calm him down.  We have let him sleep in our bed two nights, but I don't want it to become habit, plus we don't sleep well and he is up earlier. 

What can we do?  We have tried tylenol for the teeth.  Apparently, it didn't work last night because he woke up two hours after he went to bed and proceeded to throw up.  I have mentioned it to the Dr., and he said it is normal.  But I am tired of cleaning up puke.  And he barely eats as it is.




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Re: Don't know what to do about DS.

  • Poor baby.  I would just comfort him however you can.  DS had a hard time with those teeth.  He slept wrapped around me for weeks.
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  • I've found Motrin to be more effective than Tylenol.  Maybe you could try that instead.  My DD is getting her first tooth and sleep hasn't been abundant around here either.  Hope your little guy feels better.
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  • I could have written this post myself! You've described my DS exactly. The only difference is that my DS is in a toddler bed and not a crib since he can climb out of the crib.

    He ends up walking into our room crying and sometimes screaming. Usually he sleeps fine once he's in bed with us, but he's up for the day at 5 (now 4 since the time change). i have no idea what to do either. 

  • My DS is like that. We still rock him b/c he gets so upset he'll make himself throw up if we try CIO. He's almost 22 months. No sign of eye teeth just yet, but I just let him sleep with us when he gets that upset. Some weeks he's in with us 3 or 4 nights, sometimes it's 0.  I would also just let him be with you, it's the only way he is comforted and we all get a little sleep. Hopefully this too shall pass!
    Happy 4th birthday!
    Matthew James 1/11/07
  • I have to 2nd the Motrin.  Tylenol does nothing for my girls, Motrin seems to work the best.  GL
  • It is probably his age. Try googling "18 month sleep regression". This helped a lot when my two children went through it. My DS slept through the night starting at 3 months old. At 18 months he started waking and they only thing we could do was bring him to bed with us. We slowly got away from that, now at 20 months he is back in his own bed. Good luck.
  • could be 18 mos. regression. Ethan was up for hours in the middle of the night and nothing helped. It lasted 2 months.

    Could be the teeth, being sick or maybe an ear infection? Check with the dr id you're giving him enough. At some point when Tylenol was not working the dr said I was not giving him enough. He was 36 lbs and the dr said to give him a dose for the 37lb'er.

    Hope it gets better!

  • I third Motrin and I also wanted to mention Benadryl since he's got a cough/runny nose - it'll dry him up and help him sleep. Ask your pedi but mine recommended it once DS got to be like 9 months old.  We give him some in the morning and at night and he sleeps great.  DS#1 is a puker and he will puke very easily when upset/coughing so I completely feel your pain.  We could never do CIO with him or we'd be cleaning up all night - do whatever gets you sleep and worry about getting him back on track when he's better.  GL!
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