Cloth Diapering

Ecoposh (and all other fitteds) and Ecover FS

Can I use Ecover FS on Ecoposh and TTs?  Someone suggested I use it on my  newborn sbish back in the day and it worked amazingly!  So is it safe for all fitteds or just Sbish (silly question, I'm sure but.. who wants to f up all their nighttime dipers, right?) I want to use it, mostly on my Ecoposh, which are getting a bit stiff, but thought I'd check in with the 'perts first.
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Re: Ecoposh (and all other fitteds) and Ecover FS

  • Yup.  Just don't use it on any synthetic fibers, or you'll get a nasty build up problem. 

    I soak my natural fibers in Method FS, also plant based... I have contemplated rolling around in them when they are done.  ;) 




  • Method FS is cloth safe, too?  I'll have to keep that in mind, since I'm not digging the smell of the Ecover and my diapers are crunchy without it.

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