Cloth Diapering

safe for CDs?

Hi ladies I'm usually just lurker here but I'd like confirmation on what I think I already know is the answer. DS had an appt with the pediatric urologist today and we have to put vaseline on his penis every diaper change for about 3 weeks. Vaseline is not CD friendly, correct?
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Re: safe for CDs?

  • I'm not sure if vaseline is safe for cloth diapers but they do make disposable liners that are fairly inexpensive (I got a big roll for $7) that you can put in the cloth diaper to protect it from the vaseline if you are worried about it.  I got mine at my local cloth diapering store but I'm sure you can find them online as well.
  • Vaseline is not safe for CDs... disposable liners should work.


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  • You *should* be able to use CJ's butter instead of vaseline. I plan on getting unscented and using it when DS3 comes along (after the circ).
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