Cloth Diapering

Mabu baby

I am thinking we might like to try cloth diapering the next go around. I found the Mabu baby starter kits on clearance for $7.50 ( includes 2 diapers, 5 liners, 2 washable pads, 2 disposable pads)

Anyone have first hand experience with these? Are these a good place to start? TIA

  Rylan 1/27/2011, 2:42 pm, 5lbs 12oz, 18.5 inches long
 Ayla 10/02/2013, 10:14 am, 6lbs 14oz, 19.25 inches long
Missed Miscarriage 6w3d 3/02/2010
I'll hold you in my heart until I hold you in heaven

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Re: Mabu baby

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      Rylan 1/27/2011, 2:42 pm, 5lbs 12oz, 18.5 inches long
     Ayla 10/02/2013, 10:14 am, 6lbs 14oz, 19.25 inches long
    Missed Miscarriage 6w3d 3/02/2010
    I'll hold you in my heart until I hold you in heaven

    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • I've seen these at Walmart, but haven't ever tried them.  If they are a good deal, why not try them?  It looks like you could fit any PF in the cover.
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