Cloth Diapering

AppleCheeks Swim Diaper Question

I do not usually use CDs but was considering using them for our swim diapers because disposables are so expensive. My question is, do I need any inserts in order to use the applecheek swim diaper or am I able to use it as-is.  

 this is the link of the item Im planning on purchasing :

Do I need to order anything else?



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BabyFruit Ticker

Re: AppleCheeks Swim Diaper Question

  • For swim diapers you just need the shell with no insert, it's mainly there just to catch any poo.

    You don't need anything else except a bag to put the wet swim diaper in.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • No swim diaper absorbs anything, they are only designed to catch poo.  Wait to put it on until you are about to go into the water.

    We use the applecheecks swim diaper and love it! 

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