
another poop question (repost from 0-3)

my DD is breast milk and formula fed. she had been pooping 3-4 times a day until friday. friday she went once (and it was late, like 11pm) and saturday she went once around the same time (11pm) and hasn't gone since. should i call her pedi in the morning? or is this normal?
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Re: another poop question (repost from 0-3)

  • It is very normal for that to happen. Sometimes even a week in between bowel movements. Dom's pediatrician said as long as he isn't in pain not to worry about it. He had one time where I could tell he was hurting and I went through the different options his pediatrician recommended. 

    You should go ahead and call though just so her pediatrician can recommend different things to try if she is indeed constipated. 

    Dom's problem was he was fed expressed breast milk until he was about 2.5 months and then we started supplementing with formula. He was still going a few times a day, and then he got constipation for about two weeks while his body adjusted to neosure. It was still quite harsh so we switch to soy for a bit and now his is taking neosure like a champ and having bowel movements mostly each day and skips a day every now and then.  

    Married 05.19.07 | Together since 03.11.00 | Dom Born 02.06.12 
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  • That's completely normal for babies not to poop for days and days. I would not be worried at all. My DD only poops once a day.



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  • Completely normal.  My DD went a few days without pooping  and then when she did go there was a TON which the LC mentioned would happen.
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