

Your DD had a leg cast, right? A fractured her leg on Sunday and is in a cast. How long did it take before your DD adjusted to walking with it? How did you do baths/showers? And how long was she in it for?

Re: ***YouAreMyILoveYou

  • Oh no -- poor Ava!!! 

    Yes she did - at about this same time last year (Thanksgiving day to be axact).

    We kept a regular shoe on her left foot and the cast was on the right. We let her pick out slippers (she chose Elmo) and got them a size or two bigger than normal. We wanted her to walk as much as possible -- and the Dr said it was best. So while the slipper was runied from wearing it outside, DD was walking around like a champ with 3 days.

    We also had a cast with a waterproof lining, it looked like bubble wrap but was white, so she could put it in the shower (we didn't do baths, I didn't want to press my luck and have it submerged and then get smelly, lol). We also only showered her every 2 or 3 days. It was cold out and she wasn't running around getting all sweaty. If your cast is not water proof I think you can wrap it with trash bags and tape the top of it to keep as much water out as possible.

    She had to wear if for 3 weeks... which of course meant she had it on for her 2nd birthday pictures and her party, poor kid, lol. The worst part was having it taken off -- she was so scared of the saw, thank God DH went with me to hold her down -- she's a strong little girl! After the cast came off she limped for about a week and a half, I think she was getting used to walking again, after that she was good as new!

    GL -- let me know if you have any other questions!!

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