Baby Names

pretty and elegant names

What are names you consider to be classy,pretty and elegant? They can be common or underused I would like a little of both.

Re: pretty and elegant names

  • Madeline

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers 

     Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Blogging about boobs, babies, bed lust & everything in between since 2007.
  • Caroline, Elisabeth/Ellizabeth, Jane, Vivian, Penelope, Helena, Catherine/Katherine, Emily, Anna/Anne, Madeline, Victoria, Lydia, Lillian, Eleanor, Beatrice, Margaret, Jacqueline (was thinking of Jackie O), Audrey, Margot, Christine, Rose.


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  • Elizabeth, Catherine, Camille, Charlotte, Alice, Claire, Beatrix, Violet, Blair, Abigail, Fiona, Meredith, Rebecca, Victoria.
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  • Catherine, Elizabeth, Victoria, Anna, Sophia, Madeline, Grace

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • Madeline, Victoria, Elizabeth, Grace, Audrey
  • Hannah, Elizabeth, Audrey, Elise, Laura, Katharine, Kate, Georgia, Caroline, Emily, Ella, Lauren, Sarah, Mary, Charlotte, Virginia, Madeline, Natalie, Leah, and Anna

    [spoiler] My Blog: Grow Baby Grow

    BFP #1: 12/2009 m/c 1/2010 BFP #2: 6/2010 m/c 8/2010

    BFP #3: 10/2011 ectopic 11/2011 (right tube removed, learned left tube was probably nonfunctional due to scar tissue from infection after m/c)

    3 failed IUIs, IVF #1: 18R, 12M, 10F, 3 poor quality 5d embryos transferred= BFP #4!!!!!

    Betas: 9dp5dt: 64 ~14dp5dt: 91 (expecting miscarriage, doubling time of 236 hours) ~16dp5dt: 200~18dp5dt: 500

    First Ultrasound at 6w2d revealed two sacs, only one with a heartbeat

    LK arrived after 42 weeks on August 14, 2013! Beautiful, healthy, and happy!

    TTC#2: IVF booked for April 2015

    Surprise BFP#5 February 19, 2015 EDD: November 2, 2015

    Betas: 10dpo: 10, 14dpo: 77, 17dpo: 270

    First Ultrasound at 5w1d showed a miracle UTE baby! And right ovary ovulation to left fallopian tube.

    JD arrived at 38 weeks on October 20, 2015.

    TTC #3: Since October 2017. BFP #6 July 2, 2018 EDD: March 16, 2019 [/spoiler]

  • Lillian, Charlotte, Isla, Audra, Victoria, Elizabeth
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • K/Catherine, Elizabeth, Kate, Claire, Clara, Charlotte, Evelyn, Eleanor, Rosalie, Rose, Rosalind, Victoria, Caroline, Viven, Lenore, Cara, Evangeline, Emmeline, Lillan, Mary, Meredith, Alice, Margot, Margaret, Jane, Frances, Violet, Cora, Celia, Cecilia, Jacqueline, Francesca, Judith, Ruth, Sophia, Isabella, Isabelle, Rhiannon, Lisabet, Grace, Emmanuelle, Emme, Audrey, Coulette, Beverly, Verity
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